Open choiszt opened 11 months ago
I am having similar issue on google collab with CUDA version 122. This seems to be a recent issue, it was working until few days ago.
I also got this issue as well with google colab with cuda version 12.2
In colab i had the same issue,
command !nvcc --version
outputs -> cuda version 12.2
But command torch.version.cuda
outputs -> 11.7
So i followed the recommandations of this post to install cuda 11-7
Hi @bcallonnec, For me torch.version.cuda outputs -> 12.1 Not really sure if installing cuda-11.7 will solve the issue but will give it a try
If torch.version.cuda outputs -> 12.1
Then try to install cuda toolkit for cuda 12.1 and then run python -m bitsandbytes
1) check torch cuda version, e.g., print torch.version.cuda: 11.8 2) then, following with: 2.1) wget 2.2) bash 118 /usr/local 1 3) compile cuda if needed: CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.8 CUDA_VERSION=118 make cuda11x
finally, test nvcc with "nvcc --version" if secussful, then "python -m bitsandbytes"
it works for me!
I am having this issue when I run the install_cuda file, the error says ERROR: toolkitpath: path must be absolute. But my path is absolute, as far as i know, this is my path (running in my local computer)> C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA
Please help, this issue is damaging me
make cuda 11x gives this:
make cuda11x CUDA_VERSION=118
NVCC path: /home/scai/phd/aiz238140/.conda/envs/llava2/bin/nvcc
GPP path: /usr/bin/g++ VERSION: g++ (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)
CUDA_HOME: /home/scai/phd/aiz238140/.conda/envs/llava2
CONDA_PREFIX: /home/scai/phd/aiz238140/.conda/envs/llava2
PATH: /home/scai/phd/aiz238140/.conda/envs/llava2/bin:/home/apps/anaconda3_2018/4.6.9/bin:/home/apps/anaconda3_2018/4.6.9/condabin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/share/Modules/4.4.1/bin:/usr/local/cuda-11.8/bin:/opt/pbs/default/bin:/opt/pbs/default/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/pbs/2022.1.3/bin:/home/scai/phd/aiz238140/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64{LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:}:/home/soft/centOS/lib/gnu/tcl/8.4.20/lib
it returns with a g++ error or an nvcc error. g++ version is 7.3.1 and versions are actually fine. I guess there's some problem with the path.
Note that, I am using a shared cluster, so I do not have any sudo permissions.
Hi! I am encountering an issue while trying to install the bitsandbytes package on my Ubuntu device. I have attempted to install it both through pip (pip install bitsandbytes) and by building it from source with CUDA 11.7 using the following command:
However, I consistently encounter the following error:
CUDA SETUP: Setup Failed!
System Details: Linux version: CentOS Linux 7 CUDA version installed: 11.7 CUDA-related libraries detected:, both in (/usr/local/cuda-11.7/lib64 and /usr/local/cuda/lib64)Additionally, I have set up my environment variables as follows in my ~/.bashrc file:
I would appreciate any guidance or assistance in resolving this installation problem with CUDA and the bitsandbytes package. Thank you!