bitsensor / elastalert-kibana-plugin

ElastAlert Kibana Plugin
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Elastalert-kibana-plugin installation error #172

Open tharunkumar2931 opened 2 years ago

tharunkumar2931 commented 2 years ago

i have installed the latest version of kibana 7.14.1 windows . and elastalert-kibana plugin of 7.2. can anyone make sure the following version is correct or any mistake in my command

C:\kibana-7.14.1-windows-x86_64\bin>kibana-plugin install file:///d:/ Found previous install attempt. Deleting... Attempting to transfer from file:///d:/ Transferring 25613945 bytes.................... Transfer complete Retrieving metadata from plugin archive Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No kibana plugins found in archive"

tharunkumar2931 commented 2 years ago

i have tried these steps .

Unzip plugin Check package.json to make sure Kibana version matches what you have Contents of zip must be placed in the following directory structure kibana/name_of_plugin/contents_of_zip (note) The parent directory that kibana goes in doesn't matter. The name of the plugin is also located in package.json. Make sure the directory under kibana is named exactly this. Once you have your directory structure sorted out, zip it back up. Top level should include kibana folder Run the install command (kibana-plugin install file:///kibana/

bhargavim613 commented 2 years ago

Any update on the above issue?

nsano-rururu commented 2 years ago

Ask a question in the repository you are maintaining