bitshares / bitshares-core

BitShares Blockchain node and command-line wallet
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Implement signals in P2P network code #1554

Open xeroc opened 5 years ago

xeroc commented 5 years ago

User Story We (node operators) want to be able to build a plugin to analze the performance of the P2P network code. For this, we need to be able to obtain metrics (counter, gauge, historgram, summary) that can then be exported, presented and analyised with seprated software.

Possible software to use for this:

After a quick discussion, the easiest would (probably) be to integrate fc::signals into the p2p network code (to have minimal impact on production machines) and develop a separate plugin that is not loaded by default but does all the heavy lifting. To get this development started (independetly) all devs need are signals from the p2p network code.

Impacts Describe which portion(s) of BitShares Core may be impacted by your request. Please tick at least one box.

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nathanielhourt commented 5 years ago

Alright, so initially my focus will be on adding signals to the network code which can be used to receive the timestamp and a reference to a buffer of the data whenever a message is sent or received. Then I'll make a plugin that connects to those signals with a fast handler that copies the buffer only if necessary and schedules further processing so the network code unblocks ASAP. This means the signals only get connected if the plugin is loaded, so on production systems that don't load the plugin, the performance hit should be virtually nonexistent; while on systems that do use the plugin, it will be easy to add tasks to process the data as needed without worrying about significantly delaying the network code.

After that framework is in place, we can figure out the prometheus stuff or whatever @xeroc needs to get his data.

xeroc commented 5 years ago


Another potentially interesting though could be the connected nodes and potential nodes or why nodes have been disconnected etc ... (just thinking out loud)

nathanielhourt commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that's quickly evolving into a whole new networking API, which I could try to do... but realistically that'll probably happen when I make a whole new networking layer. In the meantime, though, the more we have documented about what we want from an ideal API to an ideal networking layer, the faster and easier I'll be able to write it when I get down to it.