bitshares / bitshares-core

BitShares Blockchain node and command-line wallet
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Witness_node crashes on exit #2717

Open abitmore opened 1 year ago

abitmore commented 1 year ago

Bug Description

Plugins enabled: plugins="witness market_history" Logs:

444163ms th_a       application.cpp:678           handle_block         ] Got block: #76156912 048a0ff0c9325486a689eb4ab080d4c10e3fbb58 time: 2023-01-23T09:07:24 transaction(s): 1 latency: 163 ms from: roelandp  irreversible: 76156893 (-19) 
445105ms th_a       application.cpp:740           handle_transaction   ] Got 1 transactions from network
446185ms fc::asio   main.cpp:214                  operator()           ] Caught SIGINT, attempting to exit cleanly
446186ms th_a       main.cpp:234                  main                 ] Exiting from signal 2
446192ms th_a       application.cpp:1169          ~application         ] Application quitting
446193ms th_a       application.cpp:1080          shutdown             ] Shutting down application
446197ms th_a       application.cpp:1088          shutdown             ] Shutting down plugins
446212ms th_a       stacktrace.cpp:45             segfault_signal_hand ]  0# 0x000055E5F834856C in ./witness_node.6.1.0
 1# 0x00007FEE2E359090 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 2# graphene::app::detail::application_impl::shutdown_plugins() const in ./witness_node.6.1.0
 3# graphene::app::detail::application_impl::shutdown() in ./witness_node.6.1.0
 4# graphene::app::application::~application() in ./witness_node.6.1.0
 5# 0x000055E5F7A7C87E in ./witness_node.6.1.0
 6# main in ./witness_node.6.1.0
 7# __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 8# _start in ./witness_node.6.1.0

./ line 2:  1337 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./witness_node.6.1.0 --enable-standby-votes-tracking=false --p2p-endpoint="" --rpc-endpoint="" --plugins="witness market_history" --ignore-api-helper-indexes-warning --required-participation=0

Impacts Describe which portion(s) of BitShares Core may be impacted by this bug. Please tick at least one box.

Host Environment Please provide details about the host environment. Much of this information can be found running: witness_node --version.

Additional Context (optional) The witness_node binary is downloaded from the release page.