bitshares / website and development
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Initital description #71

Closed sschiessl-bcp closed 5 years ago

sschiessl-bcp commented 5 years ago


dls-cipher commented 5 years ago

Not gonna be that easy changed. Home page will be updated later today, but entire website not. There is a page called stakeholder-approved-funding and entire SEO is focused on word stakeholder. Just replacing it with core-token holder is not fitting into proper readability or SEO scores. @rsswlkr will get new Issue/task for this one and draft has to be reviewed publicly, in order to prevent double spent of worker funds.


dls-cipher commented 5 years ago

@sschiessl-bcp - Replaced on that specific part. Another mention of stakeholder appears on the homepage, but its direct quote from Daniel Larimer, so no editing possible.

May be possible we rephrase his quote to our own and sign someone else there. Thoughts ?


sschiessl-bcp commented 5 years ago

If it's marked as quote no problem imo

dls-cipher commented 5 years ago

Then done. Will create separate issue for stakeholder-approved-funding page.