bitsofproof / supernode

BOP Bitcoin Server API - superseded versions
Apache License 2.0
126 stars 62 forks source link

Remove misleading comment #46

Closed manpages closed 10 years ago

manpages commented 10 years ago says

* This test will not run automaticaly with maven since
* it requires significant resources.
* Run it with at least 1GB of heap otherwise memomry database overflows.
* Run it on a strong machine, it does multithreaded validation
* for thousands of signatures.

but mvn package appears to run bitcoinJ block test by deafault:

~/github/others/supernode λ mvn package
304976 [TRACE] CachedBlockStore main resolving inputs for block 406997b37f08e80a757bb50a1756fcecfc262fba12dfadb7eb67cded8ed8e0d3
305394 [TRACE] BitcoinJBlockTest main rejected b38 Transaction refers to unknown or spent output 8062ba1eb61a155aef6a8cfa0740c30f8d45db05cb35293c1d05ed6c3c15cd07 [1] 010000000107cd153c6ced051d3c2935cb05db458d0fc34007fa8c6aef5a151ab61eba6280010000004a493046022100b9bae66a5833f4d792c7cb72150c52d81cc2c43bea9d61c65e3770bd0f763672022100b677a59da6ced0407d7138b2bd07f848cd9a0bfe94b1eb1a348fdea4a80a510801ffffffff0101000000000000000000000000
305394 [TRACE] BitcoinJBlockTest main evaluate b39
309735 [TRACE] CachedBlockStore main Start storing block 1afe8e41adf7e93c561c334351333a6dfc2f6ff48ded2f6263bd1de46f04f450
bitsofproof commented 10 years ago

you are right, the comment left over from a previous version as this was really an optional run. You might have noticed that the code does not contain lots of comments, mainly because I hate if they disagree with the actual code. I rather try to write code that is as easy to read as a comment. Removing this comment in 1.2.6.