bitstadium / HockeySDK-iOS

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Add accessibility label to feedback list view cell #409

Closed erychagov closed 7 years ago

erychagov commented 7 years ago

I found only one place where screen reader didn't read all information.

ElektrojungeAtWork commented 7 years ago

Please use the following general we want "Fieldname (required)", e.g. Password (Required).

EN: $FieldName (Required)
ZH: $FieldName (必填)
RU: $FieldName (Обязательное поле)
PT: $FieldName (Necessário)
IT: $FieldName (Richiesto)
FR: $FieldName (Requis)
ES: $FieldName (Obligatorio)
DE: $FieldName (Erforderlich)
JP: $FieldName (必填)
HR: $FieldName (Obavezno)
HU: $FieldName (Szükséges mező)
NL: $FieldName (Verplicht)
FA: (مورد نیاز) $FieldName 
NB: $FieldName (Påkrevd)

The value for "FieldName" can be found in other parts of the localization files.

erychagov commented 7 years ago

Restart build