bitswarmlabs / puppet-ohmyzsh

This is the oh-my-zsh Puppet module. It installs oh-my-zsh for a user and changes their shell to zsh. It has been tested under Ubuntu.
Apache License 2.0
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Tell OhMyZsh where to install #1

Open catharsisjelly opened 7 years ago

catharsisjelly commented 7 years ago

Hello there,

I began to use your package today and I was hoping to install ohmyzsh into a directory that is not /home. So I was hoping that I could just change something in the config so I could point it at the place I want it to install e.g.

class { 'ohmyzsh::config':
    home => '/path/to/my/home'
ohmyzsh::install { 'myuser': set_sh  => true }

This does not seem to be working, have I missed something?

warslett commented 7 years ago

@reubenavery is this project maintained? If not we can fork it