bittercoder / DevDefined.OAuth

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TypeLoadException when assembly is picked up by MEF #24

Open MatthewSteeples opened 11 years ago

MatthewSteeples commented 11 years ago

I've brought in this library as a dependency of another library and all of a sudden it's generating errors when MEF analyses the assemblies for imports (it analyses all of the assemblies in the bin folder).

The error is that it doesn't like the fact that BerDecodeException.GetObjectData has different security demands than Exception.GetObjectData. Is there any reason that this SecurityPermission is required and is it possible to remove it?

System.TypeLoadException: Inheritance security rules violated while 
overriding member:

Security accessibility of the overriding method must match the security
accessibility of the method being overriden.
paulduran commented 10 years ago

@MatthewSteeples did you manage to find a solution to this? I'm having the same problem

MatthewSteeples commented 10 years ago

I'm afraid in the end what I did was I excluded this assembly from being analysed by MEF. I never had chance to work out why the error was appearing.

paulduran commented 10 years ago

@MatthewSteeples No worries, I ended up taking the same approach...