Open voz opened 8 years ago
Just for the record, here is an example of how to make it work:
$ curl -c cookie.txt http://my_login:my_pass@localhost:8888/api/v2/token
The response is:
{ "data": { "token": "DJ0UbLq2mWnZMrL-KBY9wuQvfS_ikBC9brHJPRnL2ff7CTUA6fiBRHmzf1YAAAAA" }, "method": "GET", "path": "/api/v2/token", "status": 0 }
curl -b cookie.txt -u my_login:my_pass -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"timelimit": "60", "askapproval": 0, "permissions": 2}' http://localhost:8888/api/v2/folders/8615409530567225028/link?token=DJ0UbLq2mWnZMrL-KBY9wuQvfS_ikBC9brHJPRnL2ff7CTUA6fiBRHmzf1YAAAAA
The response is:
{ "data": { "link": "" }, "method": "POST", "path": "/api/v2/folders/8615409530567225028/link", "status": 0 }
The examples seem not to work anymore since the token is required as discussed here: