Roshade installs a 32-bit version of Reshade, which does not function at all since Roblox updated the client to 64-bit (Version 573).
And using the most up to date version of Roshade (3.3.1) also doesn't function correctly.
(And yes I did try using the Roshade launcher in the update yet there was no shader functionality at all, it just behaved like the normal desktop app)
Self explanatory.
Roshade installs a 32-bit version of Reshade, which does not function at all since Roblox updated the client to 64-bit (Version 573).
And using the most up to date version of Roshade (3.3.1) also doesn't function correctly. (And yes I did try using the Roshade launcher in the update yet there was no shader functionality at all, it just behaved like the normal desktop app)