bitwalker / distillery

Simplify deployments in Elixir with OTP releases!
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Consistent error message (incl. stacktrace) when evaluation failed #579

Closed janpieper closed 5 years ago

janpieper commented 5 years ago

Summary of changes

We had a problem when deploying a service because it failed running a command. The only error we got was:

▸ Evaluation failed with: argument error

We did not know what is causing the error and where it is coming from, so we were forced to monkey-patch distillery to get more details. We've updated the rescue-block in Mix.Releases.Runtime.Control.eval/2 to give us the error messages and the stacktrace. After doing so, we got this.

▸  Evaluation failed: argument error
▸      (stdlib) :ets.insert(:otter_snapshot_store, {...}]})
▸      (otter_lib) /src/deps/otter_lib/src/otter_lib_snapshot_count.erl:59: :otter_lib_snapshot_count.snapshot/2
▸      (otter) /src/deps/otter/src/otter_filter.erl:60: :otter_filter.do_actions/5
▸      (tracing) lib/tracing/adapter/otter.ex:49: Tracing.Adapter.Otter.finish_span/1
▸      (tracing) lib/tracing.ex:93: Tracing.finish_span/2
▸      (tracing) lib/tracing/ecto/repo.ex:168: Tracing.Ecto.Repo.trace/3
▸      (stdlib) timer.erl:197:
▸      (ecto) lib/ecto/migration/runner.ex:25:

Yay! :tada: We forgot to start otter.

This PR updates Mix.Releases.Runtime.Control.eval/2 to have a consistent error message (incl. stacktrace).



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bitwalker commented 5 years ago
