bitwalker / distillery

Simplify deployments in Elixir with OTP releases!
MIT License
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Usage of --name prevents app from starting #701

Open farao opened 4 years ago

farao commented 4 years ago

When I'm using a non-default distillery release (one that I added myself to rel/config.exs), I can't get my application to start with the generated release scripts. A minimal example is:

Now: A) when running mix distillery.release; _build/dev/rel/test/bin/test foreground everything works well and I see the printed string from the start function B) when running mix distillery.release --name test2; _build/dev/rel/test/bin/test2 foreground the release command succeeds but the foreground command does not print anything.

I'm running Elixir 1.8.1 on an up to date Archlinux and Distillery 2.1.1.

Files (for reference):