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Bitwarden client apps (web, browser extension, desktop, and cli).
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Chrome/Firefox extension loses the connection to desktop app for biometric unlock after lock #9548

Open hn0pw opened 2 weeks ago

hn0pw commented 2 weeks ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install desktop app with active biometric unlock
  2. Install Chrome or Firefox extension and connect desktop app for biometric unlock, also set the ask on start for biometric
  3. Set the timeout to 1 minute with the action lock
  4. Wait until the apps are locked
  5. Open the Chrome or Firefox extension

Expected Result

Biometric unlock screen appears

Actual Result

Error message is showing up (Translated from German): Desktop synchronization interrupted The desktop application has invalidated the secure communication channel. Please start the process again

German: Desktop Synchronisation unterbrochen Die Desktop-Anwendung hat den sicheren Kommunikationskanal für ungültig erklärt. Bitte starte den Vorgang erneut

Screenshots or Videos

Error message: image

Additional Context

This was working fine before the latest update of the desktop app. After setting it up again it loses the connection again and again.

Operating System


Operating System Version

Sonoma 14.5

Installation method

Mac App Store

Build Version

Version 2024.5.0 (24604)

Issue Tracking Info

Krychaz commented 2 weeks ago


We recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the application to get started (don’t worry, you won’t lose any data:

After that, follow these steps and let me know the results:

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Press Shift + ⌘ + G
  3. Enter ~/Library/Application Support/Mozilla in the box that appears.
  4. Is there a folder named NativeMessagingHosts inside the Mozilla folder? If not, right click, select “New folder” and title it NativeMessagingHosts (it has to be exactly how it is typed here, with the caps and no spaces).
  5. Close your Firefox browser.
  6. Open the Bitwarden desktop app.
  7. Check off the option Enable Browser Integration then back on, and make sure the option Unlock with Touch ID is checked as well.
  8. Launch Firefox (ensure in the browser extension Unlock with biometrics is checked also).

If the previous steps don't solve your issue, you'll want to make sure that the “Native Messaging” permission is enabled. It is an optional permission; however, it is required to function on Firefox:

hn0pw commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Thanks for the fast response and the checklist. I checked everything and it doesn't resolve my problem which is persistent since the last desktop app update from app store. Also I removed the entries from the OSX keychain (Bitwarden_biometric and others).

Now I enabled the logs ( I see a lot of errors listed below.

13:32:50.864 › Error: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
13:32:50.920 › Error: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
13:33:07.204 › Error: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
13:33:09.148 › Error: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
13:33:09.150 › Error: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
13:33:09.169 › Error: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.

Translated to english it would be like this: Error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain

Also this log entry will be created as soon I used biometric in the chrome/firefox app the command invalidateEncryption will throw my error message:

received event of :  message {
  appId: 'aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaa-aaaaaaaaaa',
  message: {
    encryptedString: '2.V3HbPWtIzea......2JUg=',
    encryptionType: 2,
    data: 'QzX0.......FidT7Iz/vg==',
    iv: 'V3Hb.....7EQ==',
    mac: '8QsX....212JUg='
dispatching event to socket  :  message {
  command: 'invalidateEncryption',
  appId: 'aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaa-aaaaaaaaaa'

Hopefully this helps to find out what could be the problem...

awptechnologies commented 1 week ago

Having same issue i reinstalled and still doesn't work. when i go to bitwarden on desktop and use my windows hello to unlock i can then use biometrics in browser. Before i could use the biometrics whether i logged in to bitwarden desktop or not.

JafCR commented 1 week ago

sam here. there is a topic opened in the BW forum as well

oeloo commented 1 week ago

This is the same issue as this one