bitwarden / clients

Bitwarden client apps (web, browser extension, desktop, and cli).
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Bitwarden lose new element creation process on locking #9796

Closed Tolsi closed 5 days ago

Tolsi commented 5 days ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to your Bitwarden storage
  2. Try to create some new element (often I copied the password and switched to paste it into some other app )
  3. Don't save it, wait for app locking
  4. Unlock it again

Expected Result

the process of creating an element will continue from the place where you left it. or will be saved in some temporary storage from which it can be continued.

Actual Result

element was dissapeared

Screenshots or Videos

No response

Additional Context

No response

Operating System


Operating System Version

14.5 (23F79)

Installation method

Direct Download (from

Build Version

2024.5.0 (24604)

Issue Tracking Info

sammbw commented 5 days ago

Hi there,

Your issue appears to be describing the intended behavior of the software. If you want this to be changed, it would be a feature request.

We use GitHub issues as a place to track bugs and other development related issues. The Bitwarden Community Forums has a Feature Requests section for submitting, voting for, and discussing requests like this one:

Please sign up on our forums ( and search to see if this request already exists. If so, you can vote for it and contribute to any discussions about it. If not, you can re-create the request there so that it can be properly tracked.

This issue will now be closed.


Tolsi commented 4 days ago

Your secret storage app's intended behavior is to lose unsaved data? ok