bitwarden / clients

Bitwarden client apps (web, browser extension, desktop, and cli).
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"Never" timeout warning stuck in infinite loop #9836

Open bwbug opened 3 days ago

bwbug commented 3 days ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to Settings > Account Security.
  2. Set Vault Timeout period to "Never", and click Yes on modal pop-up with "Are you sure" warning.
  3. Click < Back, or close browser extension window.
  4. Go to Settings > Account Security.
  5. Click No.

Expected Result

Actual Result

Screenshots or Videos


Additional Context

The modal pop-up with the "Are you sure" warning should only be displayed if the user has just changed the Vault Timeout value from a value other than "Never" to a new value of "Never". If the value has previously been set to "Never", then the warning should not be displayed when opening the Account Security page.

If developers deem it essential for users to re-affirm their choice to use a Vault Timeout of "Never" each time that they open the Account Security page, then users must be given a meaningful choice (i.e., it should be possible to dismiss the warning by clicking No.

Operating System


Operating System Version


Web Browser


Browser Version

No response

Build Version


Issue Tracking Info

trmartin4 commented 2 days ago

Hello! This has been identified internally and is currently fixed in our main branch ( It will be included in our next release.