bitwarden / mobile

Retired Bitwarden mobile app for iOS and Android (MAUI/Xamarin).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autofill isn't working on mobile (generally or for a specific site or app) #1389

Open eliykat opened 3 years ago

eliykat commented 3 years ago

Describe the Bug

We are aware of some situations where the Bitwarden mobile app will not autofill information correctly. This may be due to:

This includes situations where:

This is something the Bitwarden team is actively working on but need your help as a community and active Bitwarden users!

Note: this issue is for the Bitwarden mobile app only. If you're having issues with the browser extension on a computer, please go to this issue instead.

Expected Result

If you have autofill enabled (following the instructions for Android or iOS, and you click a field in a login form in your mobile browser or an app, you should have the option to autofill the credentials from your Bitwarden vault.

Actual Result

This works most of the time, but not always and it can depend on many, many factors. Some sites, apps or devices simply don't work, some don't work consistently and others who knows. This is what we're aiming to fix!

Call to Action

Below is a link to a Google Form that we have created for capturing information that will help us track down all of these pages, apps, devices and/or OS versions where Bitwarden has failed to autofill your information. You may submit as many as you like, just please help us help you and the community by providing meaningful information and only those sites/pages where it legitimately doesn't work.

Report autofill failure - mobile

If you've been sent to this issue because another issue you had open was closed as a duplicate, thank you for taking the time to submit the issue to us, however we truly need to track this under a single item in aggregate fashion so we can manage it holistically and ensure we're taking broad measures that will improve this behavior with the maximum benefit to all. Please consider using the linked form above to submit the prior sites you had reported in the issue closed.

ayqFRKppX5q4ojQdWJisjVOxDi4rEQBX2mE86IC commented 2 years ago

After upgrading Android 12, autofill doesn't work properly. In many cases, only one of password or username is filled. The device is Galaxy S20+. e.g.

DHwEXcjb6ApucDoFGHi8IhTzyiQtAhp7GDd0fXj commented 2 years ago

Autofill does not work on Citi Bank Android App. androidapp://com.citiuat

Copy-paste does not work either. Maybe this is because Citi App has allowed only a specific set of characters on password edit text. Like this

pxKIEOeMN5tjwknILua66tMTgAr7tmFSkhq6cZq commented 2 years ago

Ive been having the same issue with the Instagram app for android . It just auto-fill's the username and not password.

byqZpPTgOzrNAuyZRLEU8botQlRtMqpOxsiRtf9 commented 2 years ago

On mobile on the website Idea bitwarden have been written my password in USERNAME. I tried with linked custom fields but same. The problem is ON MOBILE, in desktop works perfectly.

dEKmkeMY2Dl7EfQQXMbRJrY1EckRSCgn8a0UZDN commented 2 years ago

So the issue of auto filling passwords into username fields is never going to be fixed? I've tried custom fields and still doesn't work. Pixel 6 pro android 12 SQ3A.220705.003.A3 chrome version 104.0.5112.69 bitwarden version version 2022.8.0

Agnf6NdttbddBW5RKo9hkEUTkYoYUzuZ8h4b2RD commented 2 years ago

Hi all, apologies for the inconveniences caused. The team is keeping tabs on this issue and we'd look into these, as we keep you in the loop. Thank you for your patience.

ftErM4YjLAiq5kSN5C3Yt5MKz478nB8UNVyq3WP commented 2 years ago

Isn't there a general way to allow custom fields to work on android. If lastpass can find the field then it's technically possible. I'm a web dev. So not sure how it works in mobile. But couldn't it be possible to even allow to select by order/index of field. first field, second field... Then if the app changes, the user can just change the order. Not sure if this has any merit. Anyways thanks :)

bCpmZXSNuX9Ts6txCeliYPC6AUsA6waTCKbw5wX commented 2 years ago

Autofill not working (no popup, no inline suggestion) in Binance and Bybit apps on Poco X3 NFC Bitwarden version 2022.8.0

fqqBxOugKf1SdifGC9JvpAxuiL7In9PByfkWOMR commented 2 years ago

Also Stargon Browser does not autofill as it should. net.onecook.browser

dEKmkeMY2Dl7EfQQXMbRJrY1EckRSCgn8a0UZDN commented 2 years ago doesn't work at all. No logins are even offered in chrome. Can't even test Autofill. Uri is set to so it is completely broken.

OPT0hqnm13wXCQR0vUDYS1yzAJlDC8syWWmZHI5 commented 2 years ago

Hi For me auto fill also has been getting worse. Latest issue, the service itself keeps turning off (I do not have battery optimization for BW). And even when the service is on, it never proposes auto fill anymore on any site, I first have to manually open BW, connect, go back to the site and then it'll suggest (sometimes) autofilling. never works though

oGpzbwnGH40Ce8dbSNSHEf7l9wBlV9HXcMreBNK commented 2 years ago

The following apps 1) NYTimes; 2) Washington Post; 3) WSJ on Android 13 of Google's Pixel 7 Pro don't seem to have auto fill for username well, despite I believe I have enabled them. Many thanks. NYTimes suck at filling out password too.

JotB0F6xSiI0ui6PlZPJm8KgE79PoC5AD3jtdLE commented 2 years ago

Etrade App on Android 13 does not support Autofill nor provide an option to memorize the login info.

xTBayAMTkcDqW7iN0oVQYmO7lvqWn4tIKdbPb1D commented 2 years ago

"Můj vlak" app does not support filling in credit card details on Lineage OS 19. It does not offer option to autofill(all 4 autofill options turned on as well as unrestricted battery usage). I've also tried it with pCloud Pass and that offers the option to fill in the credit card info.

dEKmkeMY2Dl7EfQQXMbRJrY1EckRSCgn8a0UZDN commented 1 year ago

Half broken on won't recognize the user name field is on the page. If you know your username and get to the next page it will fill the password.

VS5ZuYy1zu5k9bmICqFg5hUuY7WNhhCyfJareVB commented 1 year ago

Half broken on won't recognize the user name field is on the page. If you know your username and get to the next page it will fill the password.

FWIW this also happens when trying to log in to on both mobile and desktop.

Ry2oYA1dthAtiS2KhcWjfnn8W6BVLmqehZMoHSj commented 1 year ago

@digideth @kurczynski could you verify if you experience the same issue also with other popular password management apps or if it works correctly? If the latter, there might be a chance for this to be fixed if Bitwarden maintainers look into it.

VS5ZuYy1zu5k9bmICqFg5hUuY7WNhhCyfJareVB commented 1 year ago

@larena1 I don't have any other password management apps, but I assume this is caused by Bitwarden not recognizing the field as a login because there is no password field displayed yet. Not sure if the password field isn't generated until a username is given or if it's just labeled differently in the DOM.

dEKmkeMY2Dl7EfQQXMbRJrY1EckRSCgn8a0UZDN commented 1 year ago

@larena1 It should not matter if this happens on the password apps! Bitwarden is broken and they should fix their app

Ry2oYA1dthAtiS2KhcWjfnn8W6BVLmqehZMoHSj commented 1 year ago

@digideth I agree with you, but, as you can see, despite countless complaints and reports over the years, nobody from Bitwarden is looking into it. Their focus seems to be on enterprise features rather than on proper core functionality and UX.

@eliykat Are there any results yet from you actively looking into fixing autofill issues on Android or mobile in general for almost two years? It seems nothing has changed so far and compared to other commercial password managers like LastPass, Enpass or 1Password, Bitwarden still has one of the poorest autofill implementations.

Isn't there anybody on your team who knows the autofill API well enough to fix the current implementation at least to a point that it is comparable to other password managers?

eliykat commented 1 year ago

Hi @larena1, I created the issue but I'm not a mobile dev, so I'm not much help here. I've raised your question internally to see if anyone can provide an update.

dEKmkeMY2Dl7EfQQXMbRJrY1EckRSCgn8a0UZDN commented 1 year ago

@eliykat thank you!

I've given up and started to test others again and tbh chrome is leading the pack as far as working correctly all the time for websites...

TcnFdmcBBimFVamKasSeKv8By6hZTDNWwIc5Nqm commented 1 year ago

Just about every site doesn't autofill for me. One thing I didn't notice before is that on one site when I bring up the KB to enter my userid one of the KB suggestions is the BW entry for the site. This URL listed is the app I use to get to the site not through a web browser. Clicking on that fills in the userid/pw. I've only seen this on one site so far.

dwaRh9slD6XJjXHxy0zFvWhSWNwVUxAJKtHY4ty commented 1 year ago

@streetwolf same here, unfortunately. Now even on Microsoft login page, autofill doesn't work properly anymore. It filled password into username field and has been behaving like this more commonly.

SMfOAnkUwBaXjLOATL5Nv3KXjD0y63Ln9elPo02 commented 1 year ago

Recently switched to Bitwarden and just came up with this issue I consider it to be unacceptable that 9 months after the initial (known) report, the issue is still present. Having the password manager auto populate the password into none password fields is a security risk. Bitwarden sould NOT populate the password if its not confident that the field is a password field.

My dad uses and I was surprised to see Bitwarden freely populating the password in plain text into the email field. This field get cached and now his keyboard has it stored as a valid auto complete text. Huge security risk. This needs to get fixed ASAP. My confidence in the product has gone way down. 9 month... unacceptable, specially for such an easy fix.

If FIELDID <> password then Populate email o Nothing...

Ry2oYA1dthAtiS2KhcWjfnn8W6BVLmqehZMoHSj commented 1 year ago

9 months? This was reported more than 3 years ago. Truth is nobody from Bitwarden cares at all or they just lack the skills required for a proper autofill implementation that is on par with competitors.

SMfOAnkUwBaXjLOATL5Nv3KXjD0y63Ln9elPo02 commented 1 year ago

Well... I stand corrected and it's way worse that I thought then...

bDwSyFLFOSvPF4gp8n6bPv4ipFPd2CjDbtyxtqb commented 1 year ago

Ok everyone here's the real problem.

Go try the competitors. Or just take my word for it as I've tried 1password, keypass, LastPass, Keeper, etc. And I found them all lacking compared to bitwarden when it comes to flexibility in password entry.

For instance, I'll go to a website and unless the URL in the pw manager matches exactly, you're Fd. Won't fill anything. With bitwarden you always have the option to pick a near match. And it's way more flexible for multiple matches. Example Gmail. I've got 20 or more emails and it's relatively easy to pick from a list of them in BW, not so in others.

I know their auto fill has always been problematic. But try the others and see how it goes. I'm sorry, I know the others UX is better looking etc and BW hasn't really changed in years. But I'm a function over form kinda guy, and I'll jump ship when the others do as good.

X8Y0VaT36pq6o9BRth8RRcnKwlE5Q7w9moAsnzI commented 1 year ago

I’ve been on Android most of my life, but there seems to be major bugs with the Android autofill API (with 3rd party password managers) that Google ignores. I believe there are numerous bug reports that have been unresolved for years.

I left Android for Apple last year and I no longer have any issues. I still miss Android but there were so many little bugs and annoyances that no longer exist after switching to Apple.

It’s a shit situation all around and it sucks that the Bitwarden team just ignores the problem and everyone here.

Nobody should have to abandon Android for a stable experience, but here we are. 😩

SMfOAnkUwBaXjLOATL5Nv3KXjD0y63Ln9elPo02 commented 1 year ago

As a matter of fact I decided to star using Bitwarden because it appeared to be very secure and I'm very pro FLOSS software (even though I'm a paying Bitwarden customer). I've been a LastPass user for years, then tried 1Password for a few months and KeePass for a few days. While the AutoFill has always been problematic (as in not alway working), none of them had the issue of placing the password in any field other than the Password field.

This is an issue exclusive to Bitwarden (to my knowledge). The issues should not be categorized as an inconvenience since it's also a security issue. You can assume that any field other than the password field is not secure. Placing the password on any non password field opens the password to snooping, caching/loging. Nobody should be 'fine' with that bug still active after so many years.

Ry2oYA1dthAtiS2KhcWjfnn8W6BVLmqehZMoHSj commented 1 year ago

I looked into this now.

On Bitwarden will falsely detect the email field as a password field because it has TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD. The field also has TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EMAIL_ADDRESS, so it obviously is not a password field.

Also according to the official documentation, password fields should be tested against TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD.

The issue can definitely be fixed and it's absolutely devastating that nobody from team Bitwarden ever cared to look into this further in more than 3 years.

SergeantConfused commented 1 year ago

We apologize for any confusion we may have caused regarding the tracking mechanism we were using for reporting Autofill issues on Mobile. We were relying on a form submission we track separately as mentioned in the original post. We have created a few new specific GitHub issues for sites recently reported and we will track these individually in GitHub until we determine the best way for Autofill issues to be reported going forward. We appreciate your understanding and we will work with the Engineering team to get these issues resolved.

Ry2oYA1dthAtiS2KhcWjfnn8W6BVLmqehZMoHSj commented 1 year ago

@SergeantConfused could you also track separately as another Bitwarden specific autofill issue?

SergeantConfused commented 1 year ago

@SergeantConfused could you also track tutao/tutanota#4499 separately as another Bitwarden specific autofill issue?

Sure thing (