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TOTP code can be viewed without entering the master password when 'Master password re-promt' is enabled #3206

Closed jonnykl closed 1 month ago

jonnykl commented 1 month ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Enable 'Master password re-promt' for an item
  2. Save the item
  3. Open the item

Expected Result

The TOTP code should not be visible until the master password has been re-entered.

Actual Result

The TOTP code is shown without the need to re-enter the master password. But if you want to copy the TOTP code, you have to re-enter the master password. This makes no sense as the TOTP code is already visible at this point.

Screenshots or Videos

No response

Additional Context

I noticed the same behavior in the Chrome extension.

Operating System


Operating System Version

Android 14 (Xiaomi HyperOS


Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G

Build Version

2024.4.0 (10172)


micahblut commented 1 month ago

@jonnykl thanks for reporting. We have a similar report here that we are tracking. I will go ahead and close this report.