bitwarden / mobile

The mobile app vault (iOS and Android).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[beta][android] unlocking with pin or masterpass not possible after first login #3214

Open DunklerPhoenix opened 1 month ago

DunklerPhoenix commented 1 month ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Selfhost a Bitwarden server
  2. Login into beta android app
  3. (Optional) Enable pin unlock
  4. Wait until the app locks itself or lock it manually
  5. Try to unlock. It always fail. It doesn't matter if pin or password

Expected Result

Unlocking should work

Actual Result

I need to logout and login again to acces my vault.

Screenshots or Videos


Additional Context

I think that the app tries to connect to the official Bitwarden server and not to the selfhosted for unlocking.

Operating System


Operating System Version



Pixel 4 XL

Build Version

2024.4.1 (10283)


chungf commented 4 weeks ago

Can confirm the same is happening for an account hosted on Android app version 2024.4.1.

jtodddd commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there,

I am unable to reproduce this issue, it has been escalated for further investigation. If you have more information that can help us, please add it below.


DunklerPhoenix commented 3 weeks ago

Is there a possibility to enable a debug log? LogCat dont show any errors or useful informations.

It also doesnt come from this single Installation. After a complete deletion of bitwarden and reinstallatiob the problem persists.

I dont have any biological method to unlock (no camera unlocl, no fingerprint, etc). Maybe it happens because of that.

@chungf do you have a fingerprint sensor or something like that?

chungf commented 3 weeks ago

I don’t have biometric unlock enabled either. The issue I observe is essentially identical to @DunklerPhoenix: Login by master password works normally; unlock by master password always fails; unlock by PIN always fails. Except I’m using as host.

pamperer562580892423 commented 2 weeks ago

I encountered the same problem as @DunklerPhoenix describes (unlock with PIN was not usable anymore). It happened immediately after the Beta was installed and was the reason for me to deinstall the Beta fairly quick. (passkey function wouldn't be available for me anyway, as my Fairphone 5 is still on Android 13)

If it is of concern: my account is on .eu

strangefello commented 3 days ago

Can confirm that this issue occurs on the following device:

With the following behavior:

Following 'fixes' attempted but did not change behavior:

Currently functioning work-arounds: