bitwarden / mobile

Retired Bitwarden mobile app for iOS and Android (MAUI/Xamarin).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"App doesn't respond" - "Close app / or wait" #3332

Open pamperer562580892423 opened 1 week ago

pamperer562580892423 commented 1 week ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Login to the app.
  2. Click on "nothing".
  3. Scroll down to "nowhere".
  4. Click on "nothing".

After (first) login - in my case via master password and FIDO2 WebAuthn - I get that error message every few seconds:


When I click "wait", the message comes up again after a few seconds. And this seems to go on endlessly.

Then I set up a few things, including unlocking via biometrics (fingerprint). After that change of settings, the error message was gone.

Expected Result

No error messages.

Actual Result

Error messages.

Screenshots or Videos

See above.

Additional Context

Cloud (EU-server region)

Operating System


Operating System Version

Android 13


Fairphone 5

Build Version

2024.6.1 (11139)


SergeantConfused commented 5 days ago

Hi @pamperer562580892423,

Thank you for this report. I was unable to reproduce this in Bitwarden 2024.6.1.

  1. Could you please share a video screen recording of your reproduction steps?
  2. What is your KDF configuration?

Thank you in advance,

pamperer562580892423 commented 4 days ago

Hi @SergeantConfused ,

  1. Here is a short video:

I didn't want to make it too long - and didn't want to have to edit it more if not necessary 😉... I hope you get the problem already with the current video - but I describe how it went on after the end of the video (and if you want the rest of the video, please say so, then I will edit the rest):

I hope that already helps!

  1. I use Argon2 since last year. If you want to know the specific settings, I would have to look it up. (but I can already say I don't use the default settings, but "hardened" it a bit)
pamperer562580892423 commented 4 days ago

PS: Before making the video, I logged out. But: I didn't delete any cache... As you can see in the video, the error message pops up already by opening the app (even before entering my master password) - so I don't know if KDF can interfere with that... But: I can not say if this was the same directly after installation of the beta and firtst start (and when there was no login or user data there)?!