bitwes / Gut

Godot Unit Test. Unit testing tool for Godot Game Engine.
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Thank you #256

Open astrale-sharp opened 3 years ago

astrale-sharp commented 3 years ago

thank you

Splyth commented 3 years ago

We just passed 125 tests. So I wanted to come back and say Thank You!

This project has been a real help and our game would be so much worse without it.

EDIT: we are now approaching 700! With many more to write!

dsd3mon commented 2 years ago

Thank you for a great tool! The amount of work done on it is astonishing! It have everything needed to do both unit and integration testing. I only have about 10 tests now, but I'm confidednt that I'll do much more with it. Thanks again and good luck!

ryehollister commented 2 years ago

thank you!

maximinus commented 2 years ago

Just want to add a "well done".

I was pleasantly surprised when I used this tool. The install was easy, the documentation simple and correct, and I wasn't caught out by any strange behavior - basically it "just worked". I planned to try some other libraries but I don't really feel the need to right now.

coffeebeats commented 2 years ago

This library is incredible - it's got everything I look for in a testing framework. Thank you!

feefladder commented 1 year ago

Just came here to say thank you! GUT is an amazing tool! (even though it gives me real pains, because now I have to despaghettify my code)

theludovyc commented 1 year ago

I use this plugin for a project . It helps and reassures to be covered by tests. Today I discovered your vscode extension.

Thank you :) !

ngburke commented 1 year ago

Great framework with excellent documentation. The best option for Godot by far!

JustABill1 commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I'm a very amateur programmer, but being able to unit test has helped me so much. Absolutely love it.

Kulkodar commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your work! Testing absolutely helps me in keeping a relatively robust codebase.

vilhalmer commented 3 weeks ago

I'm working on some projects that are more data munging than actual game, and this is an amazing tool to let me refactor without fear. Thanks!