bitwiseshiftleft / sjcl

Stanford Javascript Crypto Library
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Any danger in bypassing the minification? #340

Closed JasonKleban closed 7 years ago

JasonKleban commented 7 years ago

I want to use the ECDH parts of the library which are not part of the pre-built sjcl.js, but I don't want to install the perl/Java/YUI or Closure dev-dependencies on my computer just for that. Instead I opted for uglify-js and added these three npm run _____ scripts, stealing the list of files for npm run build-all, for example, from after running .\configure --with-all:

"scripts": {
    "build-default": "uglifyjs --compress --mangle --beautify max_line_len=260,beautify=false --output \"./sjcl.js\" -- core/sjcl.js core/aes.js core/bitArray.js core/codecString.js core/codecHex.js core/codecBase32.js core/codecBase64.js core/sha256.js core/ccm.js core/ocb2.js core/gcm.js core/hmac.js core/pbkdf2.js core/random.js core/convenience.js core/exports.js",
    "build-all": "uglifyjs --compress --mangle --beautify max_line_len=260,beautify=false --output \"./sjcl.js\" -- core/sjcl.js core/aes.js core/bitArray.js core/codecString.js core/codecHex.js core/codecBase32.js core/codecBase64.js core/codecBytes.js core/codecZ85.js core/sha256.js core/sha512.js core/sha1.js core/ccm.js core/ctr.js core/cbc.js core/ocb2.js core/ocb2progressive.js core/gcm.js core/hmac.js core/pbkdf2.js core/scrypt.js core/random.js core/convenience.js core/bn.js core/ecc.js core/srp.js core/ccmArrayBuffer.js core/codecArrayBuffer.js core/ripemd160.js core/exports.js",
    "test": "node test/run_tests_node.js browserTest/nodeUtil.js sjcl.js test/test.js test/ccm_vectors.js test/ccm_arraybuffer_test.js  test/codec_arraybuffer_test.js  test/aes_vectors.js test/aes_test.js  test/bitArray_vectors.js test/bitArray_test.js  test/bn_vectors.js test/bn_test.js  test/cbc_vectors.js test/cbc_test.js   test/ctr_vectors.js test/ctr_test.js   test/ccm_vectors.js test/ccm_test.js   test/ecc_vectors.js test/ecc_test.js  test/ecc_conv.js  test/ecdsa_test.js test/ecdsa_vectors.js test/ecdh_test.js  test/gcm_vectors.js test/gcm_test.js   test/hmac_vectors.js test/hmac_test.js  test/json_test.js  test/ocb2_vectors.js test/ocb2_test.js   test/ocb2progressive_test.js   test/pbkdf2_test.js test/scrypt_vectors.js test/scrypt_test.js  test/ripemd160_vectors.js test/ripemd160_test.js  test/sha1_vectors.js test/sha1_test.js  test/sha1_vectors_long_messages.js test/sha1_test_long_messages.js  test/sha1_huge_test_messages.js test/sha1_huge_test.js  test/sha256_vectors.js test/sha256_test.js  test/sha256_huge_test_messages.js test/sha256_huge_test.js  test/sha256_vectors_long_messages.js test/sha256_test_long_messages.js  test/sha256_test_brute_force.js  test/sha512_vectors.js test/sha512_test.js  test/sha512_vectors_long_messages.js test/sha512_test_long_messages.js  test/sha512_huge_test_messages.js test/sha512_huge_test.js  test/sha512_test_brute_force.js  test/srp_vectors.js test/srp_test.js  test/z85_vectors.js test/z85_test.js",

Other than a slightly larger file size and improperly mangled names not covered by tests, is there any increased risk for bypassing the recommended compressors and pre-compression scripts? Any mitigations avoiding, say, side-channel leakage are not dependent on the compressed version, right?

BTW - I assume that the uglifyjs could do better if the code or the options were fine-tuned as I'm sure you have done with YUI and Closure, but this is good enough for me.

Nilos commented 7 years ago

I am pretty sure there are no increased risks here. If you wanted to further reduce the risk you could keep parts of the original build pipeline (namely the concatenation of source files before compression). make core.js for example would concat the source files.

On the other hand I would also be happy if we could move from the old python pipeline to something more modern.