Closed dryeo closed 7 years ago
After the latest pull. libcx no longer compiles here, with this error.
kBuild: Compiling tst-exeinfo - K:/usr/local/src/libcx/src/exeinfo/tst-exeinfo.rc RC: error - Invalid Switch: -iK:\usr\local\src\libcx\src\exeinfo kmk: *** [K:/usr/local/src/libcx/out/os2.x86/release/obj/tst-exeinfo/src/exeinfo/tst-exeinfo.res] Error 1 The failing command: @/@unixroot/usr/bin/kmk_redirect.exe -E 'INCLUDE=' -- rc.exe -r -n -iK:\\usr\\local\\src\\libcx\\src\\exeinfo -d_GNU_SOURCE K:\\usr\\local\\src\\libcx\\src\\exeinfo\\tst-exeinfo.rc K:/usr/local/src/libcx/out/os2.x86/release/obj/tst-exeinfo/src/exeinfo/tst-exeinfo.res
It's a kBuild bug that was already fixed. Make sure you update the kbuild RPM from exp repo.
I just wanted to point out it compiles ok here.
After the latest pull. libcx no longer compiles here, with this error.