bitworking / react-gsap

React components for GSAP
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The Timeline - Advanced multiple targets example in docs does not work #65

Open holyjak opened 2 years ago

holyjak commented 2 years ago

I have copied the example from into a vanilla create-react-app app and it does not work, namely no animation shows up. When I click "play" in the controls, the time progresses but nothing shows up. I expect the three words to show up. There is no error or warning in the console.

The code is here:

I guess it must be me doing something wrong, but what? Any help most appreciated!

gsap 3.10.4, react-gsap 3.2.1, react 18.1.0 or v17

bitworking commented 2 years ago

I guess the problem is React 18. I'll try to find time to fix it.

holyjak commented 2 years ago

You are right! I thought I also downgraded to react 17 but I did not. I tried that node (rm -rf node_modeules FTW!) and indeed it works with React 17.

zanedev commented 2 years ago

Same for me downgrading to react 17 fixed it.