biubug6 / Pytorch_Retinaface

Retinaface get 80.99% in widerface hard val using mobilenet0.25.
MIT License
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Can you share the final loss? #40

Closed twmht closed 5 years ago

twmht commented 5 years ago


I am fine tuning the network. Can you share the final loss you trained with mobile0.25?

You may forgot the exact values, but can you give a rough value (like or ? I need a reference.


biubug6 commented 5 years ago

sorry, just remember the general range, loc: about 1.0 , Cla: about 0.X, Landm: about 2.0

twmht commented 5 years ago


that's good for me. thank you.

twmht commented 5 years ago


Did you train for 250 epochs?