biud436 / MV

🏰 This plugin package includes helpful features to get you on your way to create your game in RPG Maker MV.
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Using question of RS_Window_KorNameEdit #18

Closed jkkkj123 closed 1 year ago

jkkkj123 commented 4 years ago

I think RS_Window_KorNameEdit very good.

but I have some question.

1.I know not meaning of button. Will "OK, Edit, Cancel" button not be displayed on the window?


2.Error message "Cannot set as the same name" will not appear when I using language of ko, en, zh_Tw, ja.

3.I hope Error message have message window, Q02

such as "show text" features. Q03

Thank you

biud436 commented 4 years ago

1.I know not meaning of button. Will "OK, Edit, Cancel" button not be displayed on the window?

The window is only displayed in a mobile device without keyboard, so it is not indicated in the PC such as Windows or Mac.

2.Error message "Cannot set as the same name" will not appear when I using language of ko, en, zh_Tw, ja.

This line that starts with // is comment, so it is not really part of the game. But if you want it, you can be uncommented it. But I'm not sure why it is a comment.

3.I hope Error message have message window,

it is the help window, not message window, and it's opacity was set the initial value as 0. you must change this line using code editor such as notepad++ or visual studio code.

jkkkj123 commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much.

About Q.2

I try change "// this._alertFunc($.Params.cant_type_same_name); "


"// e.preventDefault();" "// if(e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();"

but it did not show an help window.

My RPG Maker MV is ver 1.6.1

Thank, again.

biud436 commented 4 years ago

In fact, I've updated my plugin, as you want.

In the new version v1.6.10, it provides setting the opacity of help window and uncommenting some lines and new plugin parameters.

Please you check it.

jkkkj123 commented 4 years ago

I checked it, thank.

About Q.2

It did not show help window about "Cannot set as the same name", again.

I did not encountered problems when I use other features.


biud436 commented 4 years ago

You need to update a plugin in Plugin Manager,

Tools -> Plugin Manager -> Select RS_Window_KorNameEdit and Click Refresh, so new plugin commands will be added, as follows.


The opacity is a number between 0 and 255. it's opacity is to 0, it will be invisible completely on the game. it's default value is to 225 so it will be visible on the screen.

and then you will be going to change the error message visibility option as true.

jkkkj123 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I just did. But It did not show help window about "Cannot set as the same name".

It seems that show problem will only happen to my computer. It doesn't matter, I let it ignore code.

Thank your help.

biud436 commented 4 years ago

Hmm... I'm not sure why can't work in your own computer.