biz-dev-ops / web-components

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code review #91

Open arjangeertsema opened 3 weeks ago

arjangeertsema commented 3 weeks ago

Code review requested for the entire project:

jessevanmuijden commented 3 weeks ago

No need to use else. Just an early return is cleaner

It is always a good idea to add a readme to onboard new developers quicker

Indent with consistent number of spaces instead of tabs to improve readability cross platform. Github displays a tab as 8 spaces.

Call a composite action for package publication here, so you can use the if-statement once and prevent duplication of the if-statement in the steps of the action

Minify-html-literals-loader is missing from devDependencies and used in web pack.config.json. I see in a recent PR that it will be removed entirely for security reasons.

Double space

I would drop the underscore in --_ if possible

Might as well make it a one-liner if not using brackets

Inconsistent spacing, prettier could be used.

Grid layout with css property gap may be cleaner

Better to check for window being defined and use strict typing

Why a 2 second timeout? That may be what slows down navigation. Maybe add a DOMContentLoaded event listener.

There is a lot of data (model) mixed into the template (view) here. Concerns can be separated better.

if ([‘description’, ‘title’, ’type’, ‘format’].includes(property) {

Is it possible to load the raw css from a css file instead of mixing it directly into the component?

I would refactor some of the many different implementations of abstract components that consist mainly of different styling to a single component and load different styles from a css component based on a variant prop.

I have checked out the project and found that the links are all broken on /business-reference-architecture Many of the pages and components are not responsive. Media queries and ellipsis can be used more. Navigation in development is slow.

arjangeertsema commented 3 weeks ago

@jessevanmuijden thank you for your feedback. Can you please apply all suggestions? Please devide them up in two categories:

arjangeertsema commented 3 weeks ago

@jessevanmuijden can you also check this step in the workflow:

It does not generate the right documentation. Please help to create a new pipeline which we can use for all node-js projects. Build, Test and optional release flow.

arjangeertsema commented 3 weeks ago

@jessevanmuijden , see for example static website and github source repo.