bizz84 / SwiftyStoreKit

Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
MIT License
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Non-Consumable IAP not listed in receipt when validating #503

Open Yetispapa opened 4 years ago

Yetispapa commented 4 years ago


In app purchase type





Issue summary

I downloaded the example project and placed in my secret key and product identifier for a non-consumable IAP. Unfortunately it seems that I can't identify if the non-consumable IAP was purchased. I can buy the IAP and there's the dialog which also says that it was already purchased. But after that and after I restored my purchases the receipt validation ends up that I don't purchased it. So what I mean is that in the receipt the non-consumable IAP is not listed. Either sandbox neither production. I came across that problem cause we currently facing this problem in our app.

I also wrote apple and they check this on their side. I'm just curious cause non-renewable and renewable subscriptions work fine. Is there something is miss here? Something special about non-consumable IAP. I just wanted to write it here cause I use SwiftyStoreKit in our app.

What did you expect to happen

Non-consumable IAP should be listed in receipt

What happened instead

Non-consumable IAP is not listed in receipt

legolasW commented 4 years ago

Have you found a solution yet?

MagicFlow29 commented 3 years ago

Hi I don't think that the merge as indicated has fixed this issue. I also can't find / see any of my non-consumables in the Swifty Store receipt. They are however available in the set of purchases returned upon a restore.

oguzveozturk commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. This is not SwiftyStorekit bug and I only encounter it in accounts where I do a lot of transactions. Especially when I use my main apple address for sandbox tests.