I am a student studying GNN and recently I have been working on a project using AMR graphs.
I came across an issue while trying to use the AMR graph library in the code uploaded to a repository.
And I tried fixing it myself, but I'd like some feedback to ensure that the changes I made are correct.
Finally, I found an error that global variables are not shared when using multiprocessing.
So, I used functools.partial to pass arguments to the worker function and resolved the issue.
I'm not sure if the uploaded code was originally correct.
Below is the code that I modified.
Could you please confirm if the code below is correct? Thank you!
import re
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy
from functools import partial
gfeaturizer, gmax_dist = None, None # for multiprocessing
def build_coref_features(mdata, model, **kwargs):
chunksize = kwargs.get('feat_chunksize', 200)
maxtpc = kwargs.get('feat_maxtasksperchild', 200)
processes = kwargs.get('feat_processes', None) # None = use os.cpu_count()
show_prog = kwargs.get('show_prog', True)
global gfeaturizer, gmax_dist
gfeaturizer = CorefFeaturizer(mdata, model)
gmax_dist = model.config.max_dist if model.config.max_dist is not None else 999999999
# Build the list of doc_names and mention indexes for multiprocessing and the output container
idx_keys = [(dn, idx) for dn, mlist in gfeaturizer.mdata.mentions.items() for idx in range(len(mlist))]
feat_data = {}
for dn, mlist in gfeaturizer.mdata.mentions.items():
feat_data[dn] = [None]*len(mlist)
# Loop through and get the pair features for all antecedents
pbar = tqdm(total=len(idx_keys), ncols=100, disable=not show_prog)
with Pool(processes=processes, maxtasksperchild=maxtpc) as pool:
worker_with_args = partial(worker, gfeaturizer=gfeaturizer, gmax_dist=gmax_dist)
for fdata in pool.imap_unordered(worker_with_args, idx_keys, chunksize=chunksize):
dn, midx, sspans, dspans, words, sfeats, pfeats, slabels, plabels = fdata
feat_data[dn][midx] = {'sspans':sspans, 'dspans':dspans, 'words':words,
'sfeats':sfeats, 'pfeats':pfeats,
'slabels':slabels, 'plabels':plabels}
# Error check
for dn, feat_list in feat_data.items():
assert None not in feat_list
return feat_data
def worker(idx_key, gfeaturizer, gmax_dist):
global gfrozen_embeds
doc_name, midx = idx_key
mlist = gfeaturizer.mdata.mentions[doc_name]
mention = mlist[midx] # the head mention
antecedents = mlist[:midx] # all antecedents up to (not including) head mention
antecedents = antecedents[-gmax_dist:] # truncate earlier value so list is only max_dist long
# Process the single and pair data data
sspan_vector = gfeaturizer.get_sentence_span_vector(mention)
dspan_vector = gfeaturizer.get_document_span_vector(mention)
word_indexes = gfeaturizer.get_word_indexes(mention)
sfeats = gfeaturizer.get_single_features(mention)
pfeats = gfeaturizer.get_pair_features(mention, antecedents)
# Build target labels. Note that if there are no clusters in the mention data this will still
# return a list of targets, though all singles will be 1 and pairs 0
slabels, plabels = gfeaturizer.build_targets(mention, antecedents)
return doc_name, midx, sspan_vector, dspan_vector, word_indexes, sfeats, pfeats, slabels, plabels
I am a student studying GNN and recently I have been working on a project using AMR graphs.
I came across an issue while trying to use the AMR graph library in the code uploaded to a repository.
And I tried fixing it myself, but I'd like some feedback to ensure that the changes I made are correct.
Finally, I found an error that global variables are not shared when using multiprocessing.
So, I used functools.partial to pass arguments to the worker function and resolved the issue.
I'm not sure if the uploaded code was originally correct.
Below is the code that I modified.
Could you please confirm if the code below is correct? Thank you!