Although the web wrapper will make sure there are three arguments, the code does not check for it. It's common practice to handle such cases nicely.
Instead of the current output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 12, in <module>
input_file = str(sys.argv[1])
IndexError: list index out of range
It would be useful to produce a short "usage" output, e.g.:
Error: Not enough arguments. A minimum of three arguments are required.
python3 <input file> <housekeeping gene 1> <housekeeping gene 2>
input file : An .xlsx file saved from LinRegPCR.
housekeeping gene 1 : First housekeeping gene. Make sure you use the same case as used in the input file. E.g., GAPDH.
housekeeping gene 2 : Second housekeeping gene. Make sure you use the same case as used in the input file. E.g., Bactin.
Although the web wrapper will make sure there are three arguments, the code does not check for it. It's common practice to handle such cases nicely.
Instead of the current output:
It would be useful to produce a short "usage" output, e.g.: