bjherger / ResumeParser

A framework to parse resumes, extract contact & other information, and check for required terms
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only PDF files are supported #38

Open rishirraghav opened 5 years ago

rishirraghav commented 5 years ago

Hi Brendan,

I was able to resolve all the dependency and environmental issues, and the program is executing well. One limitation I found that it works only with PDF files, MS-Word file are not supported. Can you provide solution to this?

Thanks Rishi

DeepLearner7 commented 5 years ago

Just convert those non pdf files into pdf files with the help of xpdf.

mady143 commented 4 years ago

HI @rishirraghav ,

use import docx2txt this package for reading docx files you can extract the information from the resume as resume = docx2txt.process("path of our resume")

Thanks and Regards, Manikantha Sekhar...