bjjb / chromaprint.js

A JavaScript implementation of AcoustID Chromaprint
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
61 stars 17 forks source link

How does one use this library in the browser? #2

Open anoadragon453 opened 6 years ago

anoadragon453 commented 6 years ago

Hello there, and thanks for your great implementation! I'm having a little trouble in getting started with it though.

I've included the package via npm, and end up with the following hierarchy of files:

├── bin
│   └── fpcalc
├── lib
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── package.json

My question is how exactly does one go about using this in the context of a browser?

The README has the following:

    <!-- attaches a chromaprint object to window -->
    <script src="path/to/chromaprint.js"><script>
        // Assuming loadAudio gets a decoded audio stream.
        loadAudio(url, function(stream) {
            chromaprint.calculateFingerprint(stream, console.log);

But where exactly is this chromaprint.js file? Should it be generated from the .coffee files somewhere?

Hoping to clear up just a little confusion. Thanks.

bjjb commented 6 years ago

@anoadragon453 Good point; the project contains a Cakefile with a task to build index.js (cake build), which you can then rename to 'chromaprint.js'. If you're using a recent version of Node, you might get an error (TypeError [ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE_ENCODING]: The value "w" is invalid for option "encoding"); if so, edit the Cakefile on line 43 and remove the 'w'. I'll fix that as soon as I get time.

anoadragon453 commented 6 years ago

Alright, so I've built index.js, (without errors on nodejs v8.9.4) renamed to chromaprint.js and created a test index.html:

<script src="chromaprint.js"></script>
    chromaprint.calculateFingerprint(audio, console.log);

following the example in the README.

However upon loading the page, calculateFingerprint doesn't seem to be a function of chromaprint:


Should a different function be used, or is this not expected?

kentin84000 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I encounter a similar problem. I would like to calculate fingerprint from my input file when the form is submitted. But no matter which parameter I give to the calculate function it does not return anything. Can you explain how to achieve it please ?