bjmorgan / kinisi

A Python package for estimating diffusion properties from molecular dynamics simulations.
MIT License
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Add instruction for building the documentation #41

Closed dengzeyu closed 8 months ago

dengzeyu commented 8 months ago

Please add instructions showing how to build the documentation. It looks like the Makefile under the doc is not working properly.

make html
Running Sphinx v7.2.6

Extension error:
Could not import extension sphinx_autodoc_typehints (exception: No module named 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints')
make: *** [Makefile:19: html] Error 2
dengzeyu commented 8 months ago

Just for tracking - this issue is related to the joss submission:

arm61 commented 8 months ago

Ah this is because there is a separate set of dependencies in the pyproject.toml for the docs. I have add the following commits that explain this in the documentation ( and

dengzeyu commented 8 months ago

@arm61 I just tried to build the documentation, but I got following error. Could you please help me fix it?

pip install -e '.[docs]'
make html
Notebook error:
PandocMissing in arrhenius_t.ipynb:
Pandoc wasn't found.
Please check that pandoc is installed:
make: *** [Makefile:19: html] Error 2

I confirm I've installed the pandoc

Package                       Version      Editable project location
----------------------------- ------------ -----------------------------
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arm61 commented 8 months ago

I am able to build successfully with pandoc 3.1.3 perhaps updating will help?

arm61 commented 8 months ago

I have mentioned installing pandoc in this commit (

bjmorgan commented 8 months ago

Can we not specify pandoc (with a suitable minimum version) in the usual way as a requirement?

arm61 commented 8 months ago

Pandoc isn't a Python package (there is a python interface but you still need to conda/mamba/brew install pandoc to get it to work).

bjmorgan commented 8 months ago

Is that why it shows up in pip? Also, this means the pip list output doesn’t actually tell us if pandoc is correctly installed.

arm61 commented 8 months ago

Yeah, that makes sense.

arm61 commented 8 months ago

Also why my version is so much higher than @dengzeyu's (it is actually a different thing)...

bjmorgan commented 8 months ago

@dengzeyu: what do you get from pandoc -v from the command line?

bjmorgan commented 8 months ago

@arm61 suggestion that you link to the "installing pandoc" page ( from

arm61 commented 8 months ago

Done, see

dengzeyu commented 8 months ago

@dengzeyu: what do you get from pandoc -v from the command line?

I got following

pandoc -v
pandoc 2.12
Compiled with pandoc-types 1.22, texmath, skylighting 0.10.4,
citeproc, ipynb
User data directory: /home/jerry/.local/share/pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2021 John MacFarlane. Web:
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no
warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Actually, I tried to install using conda but I can only find the version 2.12, maybe some channels should be added?

conda search pandoc
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel
pandoc                  hea2e7c5_1  pkgs/main
pandoc                         2.2.1      h629c226_0  pkgs/main
pandoc                            0  pkgs/main
pandoc                            0  pkgs/main
pandoc                          2.10               0  pkgs/main
pandoc                        2.10.1               0  pkgs/main
pandoc                          2.11      hb0f4dca_0  pkgs/main
pandoc                          2.12      h06a4308_0  pkgs/main
pandoc                          2.12      h06a4308_1  pkgs/main
pandoc                          2.12      h06a4308_3  pkgs/main

I think the pandoc in conda/pip is too old... Yeah adding a sentence in the installation page and asking for install the new version should be fine.

kinisi/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nbsphinx/ RuntimeWarning: You are using an unsupported version of pandoc (2.12).
Your version must be at least (2.14.2) but less than (4.0.0).
Refer to
bjmorgan commented 8 months ago

Actually, I tried to install using conda but I can only find the version 2.12, maybe some channels should be added?

It is unclear whether that refers to the pandoc Python interface, or pandoc itself. I usually install pandoc using the recommended package manager as per the installation instructions (conda is not mentioned on that page).

dengzeyu commented 8 months ago

Actually, I tried to install using conda but I can only find the version 2.12, maybe some channels should be added?

It is unclear whether that refers to the pandoc Python interface, or pandoc itself. I usually install pandoc using the recommended package manager as per the installation instructions (conda is not mentioned on that page).

Yes. I just installed the pandoc using the system package manager and now it's working.

arm61 commented 8 months ago

Running mamba install pandoc got me the 3.1.3 version. I have added the link to the installation instructions.