bjoernQ / rconfig

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Per chip configuration? #6

Open MabezDev opened 3 months ago

MabezDev commented 3 months ago

Part of the problems found in would be solved if we also supported a per chip configuration system.

It might work something like:

bjoernQ commented 3 months ago

That's an interesting idea 👍

bjoernQ commented 2 months ago

I thought about this idea a bit. From a user's perspective that would be very nice but not sure how to implement that

Things would probably get easier if we had a config file per crate - e.g. esp-hal.config.toml and then we could just look for variants containing the selected feature(s) e.g. esp32c6.config.toml. But then thing will become a bit "harder" for the TUI

Another thing that comes to my mind while writing this: What if a config value couldn't depend on a feature? i.e. depends can only reference other options. We would have a new key like active-when which limits the effect of the config value to only features / feature combinations. When reading the user's config, we could still emit a warning that the config value isn't in effect and in the TUI/GUI we would show inactive options e.g. in light gray but the user can still change them.

That means a user could configure PSRAM options also for e.g. C6 and PSRAM-TYPE also for e.g. ESP32 but the value is only in effect when the feature is used in the build. If I'm not missing something very important here this idea sounds like a good idea 🤔

.... oh wait .... you wrote rconfig.toml not config.toml - so not sure anymore if we are talking about the user's configuration values or the configuration definition file? 🤔 But I guess we are talking about the user's configuration values?