bjohnson045 / phpMyDirectory
GNU General Public License v3.0
33 stars 21 forks source link

1.5.3 doesn't install #2

Open xyzsimon opened 3 years ago

xyzsimon commented 3 years ago

I'm not able to install the downloaded 1.5..3 from github.

I have entered all the info required for: .... the /install/install.php page - I also entered my 2nd license number, that is still active and it doesn't install.

xyzsimon commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I'll attempt to revert back to php 5.6 and mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev (took this info from my phpinfo.php page of my site that hosts the 1st licensed copy) As you can tell I'm not a programmer.

TowerForte commented 3 years ago

BEn posted in 2016 that it will run on php7 and others have got it to run on php7.1 see

xyzsimon commented 3 years ago

Let me know if you are successful. If you get database errors, one thing you might need on the server is to have the MySql extension installed because that is what PMD v. 1.5.3 needs MySql. New server OS installs these days default to MySqli.

I initially attempted to install with php 7.1, wasn't successful. Upon your suggestion I attempted install with php 5.6 and still no success. BTW, I had uploaded the Master version. I have not just downloaded the: develop version. Was I suppose to upload the: develop version ? I have yet to upload the develop version to my web hosting plan.

velirs commented 3 years ago

I tried installing on Plesk with Github; on both Php7 and Php5x as suggested; still asking for License Key (attached Screenshot). any Help Appreciated.


velirs commented 3 years ago

Can anyone pls confirm

a, do I needed to purchase a license to use it? b, if not When can I get a License for a New Installation.

Kindu Guide me

TJMolloy commented 3 years ago

I second this. Having the same problem and have been waiting for a answer. If we don't need a licence then how do we continue the installation Thanks

TJMolloy commented 3 years ago

Best bet is to wait then. Or learn some PHP. :)

TowerForte commented 3 years ago

I will be interested as my main pmd has been migrated to a new server and pmd will not connect to the database and I believe they have MySQLi

Have a great new year


ommni5 commented 3 years ago

I second this. Having the same problem and have been waiting for a answer. If we don't need a licence then how do we continue the installation Thanks

Same here

ommni5 commented 3 years ago

Work is coming along with re-coding PMD. The PMD code is so old (2016-2017) that most of it must be completely re-written to be compatible with current day technology, PHP 7.x MySQLi and other server libraries required for PMD to work correctly.

The look and functionality of the new script will be mostly the same as the old version of PMD but this will be a new product; so I may be asking for BETA testers in a few weeks so if anyone is interested in participating let me know.

In addition to the new product, we are working on an update from PMD 1.5.3 to the new version. It is 50/50 as to whether this can be done because so much of the old code must be replaced. As work progresses on this part, I will keep you updated on this as well.

BTW, if anyone is interested, I tried to contact Ben via certified mail, regular mail and through the contact form on the PMD site to let him know that the code was being re-written and offered to pay him a percentage of any profits derived from the new product because some of his original code will still be used, he never responded.

I'd love to test... is there another option for a similar platform, what did you use?

3viI commented 3 years ago

Any update on the beta release date?

jcropel commented 3 years ago

The beta version of the new script will be available to download in a week or so. When it is ready I will post a link here with download instructions. The new script will also need to be licensed, beta testers though will get a license at no charge that will include updates and the full version once complete.

That's great news! I'm really looking forward to test an open source version of PMD. This software still has a lot of potential and is still better than many paid directory apps.

TowerForte commented 3 years ago

How much will the new license be I have 3 licenses of pmd 1.5.3


TowerForte commented 3 years ago

looking forward to it I have no problem paying for new licenses


ommni5 commented 3 years ago

I would love to test, just let me know when it's available. Thanks, Mato

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--- original message --- On January 15, 2021, 3:45 PM GMT+1 wrote:

FYI all, we just decided, if you beta test the product and are an active beta tester, meaning you participate via support tickets or a forum I will be setting up, when the final version is available, you will get a full lifetime license for your efforts.

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mgeyman commented 3 years ago

I would love to beta test as well. Thank you!

jcropel commented 3 years ago

FYI all, we just decided, if you beta test the product and are an active beta tester, meaning you participate via support tickets or a forum I will be setting up, when the final version is available, you will get a full lifetime license for your efforts.

Awesome! Looking forward to participate also. I've been a PMD user for like 6 years, and everytime I tried to switch to another software, it was not as comprehensive as PMD.

GarySicard commented 3 years ago

I used PMD for over 12 years and will be happy to test your recode of the system. Please consider adding me to the list of beta testers.

markdaps commented 3 years ago

Until PMD can run using the latest version of PHP for security reasons, and consider newer database technologies, this isn't going to go anywhere.

I have space to beta test too (have reseller hosting, so no expense for hosting).

Recently passed online exams for PHP and JavaScript, so I can help with debugging code if required.

Security is key, especially now that this is opensource (best thing that could happen in my opinion for PMD).

Would be awesome to see PMD have a place again.

markdaps commented 3 years ago

My servers do use ioncube, but I would have to check how far back they go regarding the PHP version. There is a guy that I have used before that can decode for a fee, will see if I can find him again. Had to do so once before for a PMD file.

I did purchase a new licence for PMD a few months back, but not sure that I downloaded the addons, will check though.

markdaps commented 3 years ago

Just to add, I have certainly had PMD running on 7.x PHP versions.

Versions 10 and 11 of PMD before the Pro version 1.x required PHP 5.x.

How are you creating the install builds?

Like what you are doing anyway, really hope this comes together.

ImChase commented 3 years ago

All of the obfuscated code is available on this very github.

I don't know why you would need to unobfsucate anything. For context, I've worked on the script a lot and have a perfectly running instance on PHP 7.3.23, using MariaDB 10.3.25. I must have corrected about 30 different things, updated the dependents versions (TCPDF, ckeditor etc) that needed it and even coded a custom Yelp Fusion API integration plugin. I just want to correct a few of the things you're saying. Phpmydirectory without modification works with IonCube loader 10.3.9.

The biggest issues that prevails the script are, when it creates the database it uses depreciated methods such as zero date timeformats. A large front end "issue" is using bootstrap 3 which is quite old these days. Yeah the PHP itself is all old, but not TOO much of it is "wrong". I can't imagine how long it would take to recode the entire thing and achieve similiar results.

I'm very interested to see your version though to compare to what I've done, and it would be great to see someone actively develop it again. I play with the idea sometimes.

markdaps commented 3 years ago

It was longer than I thought since I renewed a license, as far back as March 2019. I do recall a few DB issues, and deprecated PHP functions, although, it did install with some changes.

Security is the main concern. Has to be fully tested on staging servers before running on a live production site.

Would not spend any time on third-party integrations until the main script is running without issues, as you say.

Regarding the PMD plugins/addons, I'm sure that they were written into the core script, and activated with a licence validation. So the code may be there already.

As mentioned about Bootstrap, has to be version 5 if using it, and drop jQuery.

About the install build, I meant a way to update from a repository with custom options.

Think you have a big task ahead of you, and it's awesome to see someone reviving this again. Did attempt to create a better template system for PMD within the last year, did hit a few brick walls though myself.

ImChase commented 3 years ago

I was able to change my sites favicon in my edited version of 1.5.3 -- though I didn't have to change anything special for that to work

ImChase commented 3 years ago

So, yes you are correct about strict mode. However, that's only ignoring the problem. When you enable strict mode what you're doing is telling MySQL to ignore deprecated methods, such as zero date time format. This will only work for a while more before they're removed from MySQL all together.

The commercially released version of PMD 1.5.3 is the same codebase as the one you see on this github. So unless you want a version older than 1.5.3 there is no purpose.

Yes, there were issues. But as described above we fixed about 30 or so PHP (or other) issues.

I'm probably running the most advance and custom version of PMD out there. Both front and back end.

ImChase commented 3 years ago

Though, I genuinely hope you do revive the script and actively develop it. I wish I had the time to, and I would beta test for you as well if you need. Any updates on that?

rjarquin1 commented 3 years ago

I am hoping your effort is successful and I for one plan to give it a try.

I have been looking for a new platform for my PMD based directory. One that is supported and kept up to date. I was never unhappy with the PMD implementation and I think it is quite good. However, like others I was very disappointed with the complete lack of support. I think the original PMD service was not priced correctly and therefore supporting it became a losing business proposition for Ben.

Ideally your implementation benefits from the aging but well crafted PMD platform. I hope that legal issues do not force you to have to rewrite it completely and in the process lose some of its quality appeal.

Thank you! Raul

TowerForte commented 3 years ago

what you've got to remember is a lot of people who are going to be using this will be on shared hosting and possibly running other PHP programs so if you make it too strict you'll be restricting your future buyers

rjarquin1 commented 3 years ago

I am not a lawyer but I would personally not base any course of action on the ability or inability to get a reply from Ben. Hiring a lawyer that is familiar with software IP issues and in particular with derivative works built on top of existing open source assets would be prudent and may prevent headaches for you and your future clients down the line - I may be wrong, again, not a lawyer.

I was actually able to contact Ben last year...

The PMD site, PMD related licensing servers and the Invisions forum are assets that require ongoing fees. I will make a donation to Ben to help with those fees as a way to thank him for going Open Source. I cautiously encourage others to do the same to meet his $200 month goal.

In the best of all worlds we would have a clean open source set of files that can be installed in modern servers with the same feature set as version 1.5.3. In its present form, that will take effort from the community. I wonder if hiring Ben for this sort of update to the current open source files is feasible. He may be an asset if approached with a concrete and profitable project (I am only guessing).

The sugar on top comes from you or others taking on the future evolution of the software. I have no problem paying for that effort and helping the PMD community in any way I can.

ImChase commented 3 years ago

To be clear there is no reason to even considering strict mode. If someone wants to use any PHP below version 7 they can use PMD 1.5.3. Any PHP version of above 7 no longer supports depreciated assets used by PMD. Simply update those assets to the correct methods and call it a day. Other than the obvious bugs.

markdaps commented 3 years ago

Very impressed! Nice work.

Installed no problem for me.

Now time to test.

lawyers commented 3 years ago

I am not a lawyer but I would personally not base any course of action on the ability or inability to get a reply from Ben. Hiring a lawyer that is familiar with software IP issues and in particular with derivative works built on top of existing open source assets would be prudent and may prevent headaches for you and your future clients down the line - I may be wrong, again, not a lawyer.

Happy to help if I can. Very glad to see that this effort is ongoing and also happy to contribute to it as well.

ommni5 commented 3 years ago

Need some help with installation - there is no doc folder with instructions as website suggests and I am a bit unfamiliar with contents and installation procedure. I appreciate it in advance.

ommni5 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot 2021-02-10 182308 Screenshot 2021-02-10 182247 Screenshot 2021-02-10 182201

Situation is different @ my side, there is an error at unzipping and no such folder as docs... I only have .git ... see pics. I re-downloaded, but it's the same. Any suggestion? Thanks.

lawyers commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately you are right - the pmd forum has been full of russian spam for many months now. I'm just grateful that I've got my installations working and upgraded the largest to 1.5.3, which will give Ben some well earned $$$ and also provide a potential upgrade path to this new version, which I'm assuming will have minimal options due to ROI for multiple paths.

TowerForte commented 3 years ago

Tried to register twice for th BETA program but not getting the activation email and yes looked in the spam


PongGod commented 3 years ago

Hey guys, new here. Trying to help someone get PMD set up on a web server and running into installation issues like others have reported here. So is the consensus now that PMD should be completely abandoned in favor of MyDirectory, which I understand to be an updated version from the original PMD open source code? If so, is the plan for MyDirectory to remain open source going forward?

3viI commented 3 years ago

Hi, how is the testing going? When to expect the stable version of the mydirectory?

bjohnson045 commented 3 years ago

phpMyDirectory is now free and open source (GNU General Public License v3.0) and this project will continue to reflect this. It has not been abandoned.

Additional licensing code has been removed from the project allowing it to be installed without the error mentioned in this ticket.

bjohnson045 commented 3 years ago

All of the obfuscated code is available on this very github.

I don't know why you would need to unobfsucate anything. For context, I've worked on the script a lot and have a perfectly running instance on PHP 7.3.23, using MariaDB 10.3.25. I must have corrected about 30 different things, updated the dependents versions (TCPDF, ckeditor etc) that needed it and even coded a custom Yelp Fusion API integration plugin. I just want to correct a few of the things you're saying. Phpmydirectory without modification works with IonCube loader 10.3.9.

The biggest issues that prevails the script are, when it creates the database it uses depreciated methods such as zero date timeformats. A large front end "issue" is using bootstrap 3 which is quite old these days. Yeah the PHP itself is all old, but not TOO much of it is "wrong". I can't imagine how long it would take to recode the entire thing and achieve similiar results.

I'm very interested to see your version though to compare to what I've done, and it would be great to see someone actively develop it again. I play with the idea sometimes.

Please feel free to contribute any of your changes to this project on GitHub as a pull request. One of the reasons it was made open source is so that anyone may contribute to the project as far as bug fixes or new features. Thank you!

gjspinney commented 3 years ago

I'm not able to install the downloaded 1.5..3 from github.

I have entered all the info required for: .... the /install/install.php page - I also entered my 2nd license number, that is still active and it doesn't install.

I am having the same issue as you.. Installed, entered all the information.. and nothing. Page refreshes and does nothing

xyzsimon commented 3 years ago

I'm not able to install the downloaded 1.5..3 from github. I have entered all the info required for: .... the /install/install.php page - I also entered my 2nd license number, that is still active and it doesn't install.

I am having the same issue as you.. Installed, entered all the information.. and nothing. Page refreshes and does nothing

I'm the original poster... I was never able to install 1.5.3 from my previous attempt on Nov. 22, 2020. Now with the new code changes, I've downloaded the files again (May 2021), attempted the install and still it won't install. I do get this message on the install page:

Server Requirements Successful Your server meets the requirements to run phpMyDirectory.

gjspinney commented 3 years ago

Yup same here.. guess an earlier version needs to be tried.

jcropel commented 3 years ago

Im also recieving the same exact message when I fill the installation form.

"Server Requirements Successful" But it doesn't install anything.

Any idea of how to fix this?

I tryed PHP 7.1, 7.3 and 8.0.

Storeship commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem, there are 2 errors in the script that i fixed to be able to install correctly. Look for file install/install.php

remove the following lines around line 54

if(!isset($_POST['terms_agree'])) {
    $errors['terms'] = 'You must agree to the phpMyDirectory terms before installing.';

Then on line 89 change the code

From if(is_array($errors) AND sizeof($errors) < 1) {

To if(!is_array($errors) AND sizeof($errors) < 1) {

First of all the script is asking if you agreed to the terms? There is no option for terms in the form so we removed that check.

Secondly it is asking if there are any errors and if so install the script, it should have been if there are NOT any errors.

Once above is adjusted should install OK

gjspinney commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply.. but now I get this

Error importing SQL: Database (1364) SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'display_name' doesn't have a default value in file /home/bizify/public_html/includes/class_database.php on line 202 (SQL: INSERT INTO pmd_users (id, login, pass, password_salt, password_hash, cookie_salt, user_email, logged_last, logged_ip, logged_host, created, timezone, password_verify, user_first_name, user_last_name, user_organization, user_address1, user_address2, user_city, user_state, user_country, user_zip, user_phone, user_fax, user_comment, import_id) VALUES (1, @.', '35854ff251346158777a94e0b6f654bdc1b5c2e0b9b3cab736e20e18908c96ed', 'a8c6b01eff7be4f2d6110cfce92d7531', 'sha256', '', @.', NULL, '', '', NOW(), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0))

On Thursday, May 20, 2021, 03:11:03 AM MDT, Storeship @.***> wrote:

I had the same problem, there are 2 errors in the script that i fixed to be able to install correctly. Look for file install/install.php

remove the following lines around line 54 if(!isset($_POST['terms_agree'])) {     $errors['terms'] = 'You must agree to the phpMyDirectory terms before installing.'; }

Then on line 89 change the code

From if(is_array($errors) AND sizeof($errors) < 1) {

To if(!is_array($errors) AND sizeof($errors) < 1) {

First of all the script is asking if you agreed to the terms? There is no option for terms in the form so we removed that check.

Secondly it is asking if there are any errors and if so install the script, it should have been if there are NOT any errors.

Once above is adjusted should install OK

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

xyzsimon commented 2 years ago

How is everyone doing? Anyone successfully running open source phpmydirectory with modifications? Or have you resorted to another script?

xyzsimon commented 2 years ago

I suspect my install wasn't successful because my database is MariaDB. I have yet to purchase another hosting plan but with mysql database.

Rockman1955 commented 2 years ago

Thanks everyone for all the tips on what to look for and/or to edit to get the 1.5.3 Code/Database installed.

Now come the hard part, how to export and/or import the old data listings? I tried to use the 1.5.3 import option and it error on step one after it finds the license_key folder

Error: Step 1 of 7 Importing users.... Unknown Error An error has occurred in loading this page. We have been automatically notified of this error. Please check back later. If you are the administrator of this website please view the error log for more information.


I am also looking to see if there is an URL where I can download and/or if anyone has the list of Categories and the USA Locations in CSV Format that I can then import into the new 1.5.3 Database to help get started

Any guidance of where to find the list of Categories and the USA Locations in CSV Format will be helpful and greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance to all, for the help and support shared in this group to help make PMD a great Directory Script...

Rockman55 CityPD

scottsam717 commented 2 years ago

All of the obfuscated code is available on this very github. I don't know why you would need to unobfsucate anything. For context, I've worked on the script a lot and have a perfectly running instance on PHP 7.3.23, using MariaDB 10.3.25. I must have corrected about 30 different things, updated the dependents versions (TCPDF, ckeditor etc) that needed it and even coded a custom Yelp Fusion API integration plugin. I just want to correct a few of the things you're saying. Phpmydirectory without modification works with IonCube loader 10.3.9. The biggest issues that prevails the script are, when it creates the database it uses depreciated methods such as zero date timeformats. A large front end "issue" is using bootstrap 3 which is quite old these days. Yeah the PHP itself is all old, but not TOO much of it is "wrong". I can't imagine how long it would take to recode the entire thing and achieve similiar results. I'm very interested to see your version though to compare to what I've done, and it would be great to see someone actively develop it again. I play with the idea sometimes.

Please feel free to contribute any of your changes to this project on GitHub as a pull request. One of the reasons it was made open source is so that anyone may contribute to the project as far as bug fixes or new features. Thank you!

Ben Ive been trying to contact you via your contact pg and facebook. Ive been using the directory for several yrs and you helped us by implementing the braintree extension. Would you have a moment to look at my questions and reply. It would be greatly appreciated. I only have approx 10 days to take care of this issue with braintree. Thanks