bjoluc / cubase-mcu-midiremote

Cubase MIDI Remote Scripts for DAW Controllers using the MCU Protocol
MIT License
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feat: Add an iCON V1-M script variant #38

Open bjoluc opened 4 months ago

bjoluc commented 4 months ago

Hi folks,

here's how to test this:

If anything isn't working or could be improved (except the known limitations of course), feel free to leave your feedback here. Thanks!

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I'm just a Cubase user, not a developer. But I would like to share the issues I find during my tests here. Sorry for my weording, I'm not a native speaker

Issue: When Cubase is started, always the first 8 channels are accessed by the controller and marked with the white line. In the project the mixer may show other channels with higher numbers. The V1-M should start with a selection inside the actual visible channeld.

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Issue: When a cubase project is loaded the channel displays show channel names and "Pan". In this case pressing the [Flip] button flips only between encoders and faders while the flip button is held down. Normally it should toggle between flipped and not flipped when the butonn is pressed

2024-07-28: Flip-Status is now constant. BUT when flipped, the fader controls Pan, but the Rotary still controls Pan instead of Volume

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Issue: Cubase allows detailed selections which channels are visible in the mixer. E.g. I have snare top and bottom mics and collected them in snare group. For final mixing I have only the snare group channel visible. The V1-M shows allways the hidden channels

2024-07-28: Unchecking the visibility of a channel in the Cubase mixer still doesn't always have effect on visibility in the V1-M. After doing some actions on the V1-M it worked. Maybe not properly initialized when Cubase is started or a project is loaded. 2024-07-29: Couldn't reproduce the actions to get it working. Now still all channels are visible no matter how bthe visibility is configured nin Cubase

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Issue: When hidden channels are displayed it leads to situations, where more than eight channels are marked in the mixer a accessed by the controller, even though the controller only has 8 channels

2024-07-28: When a project is just loaded the first 8 channels are marked. When switching a block of 8 channels to the right, the first 8 channels are still marked and the next 8 channels as well. So now 16 channels are marked

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Proposal: The channel displays show channel names and then parameter names like "Pan" in the 2nd line. While changing the parameters e.g. by turning the encoder the 2nd line shows the actual value. When the change is made, the line switches back to the parameter name. It would be more convenient if the parameter value would be displayed in a 3rd line underneath the parameter name.

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Issue: When walking through the mixer channels up and down by one or by eight the mixer view doesn't follow when the marked channels in V1-M focus are outside the actual mixer view. I have to select a channel on the V1-M and then the mixer view follows to get the selected channel in focus. The mixer view should follow as well when just walking through the channels so that the V1-M focussed channels are always visible in the cubase mixer view.

2024-07-28: Not changed

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Issue: Page up /down obviously changes between different parameters to be controlled. But the name of the parameter doesn't change in the display when Page up / down is pressed. Only when the channel focus is changed after Page up / down the actual parameter name wil be shown in the display. It seems, that the channel displays are not refreshed when Page up / down is pressed.

2024-07-28: Seems to be working generally as far as I could see now BUT: Most of the parameters allow to control the same parameter for all channels. But when reachiong Send it controls the levels of the send slots of the selected channel. It should control the level of the selected send slot for all channels.

To control the send slots of a selected channel I would expect to get thsi by pressing the [Send] button.

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Issue: [Sends] not working. I would expect that leves of inserts and cue sends could be adjusted

Nik7665 commented 2 months ago

Proposal: Displayed parameter values for phase shoud be 0 and 180 instead of On / Off

Nik7665 commented 1 month ago

2024-07-28 Issue: The leftmost 8 channels stay marker in the mixer when switching to the right by 8 channels. When the leftmost channels are reached the 8 rightmost channels are kept marker when switching back to the left by 8 channels. The Main channel is always marked, even when the project is just loaded

Nik7665 commented 1 month ago

2024-07-28 Cues: When switching to Cue n by pressing [Page down} I can select a cue. and the rotary encoder controls the cue level and the fader still controls the channel volume Issue 1: How can the cue pan be controlled Issue 2: When flipped, the fader controls the cue levels - perfect. But the rotary controls the cue level as well.

Missing: A way to switch between pre and post fader for the cue

Proposal for improvement: When in cue mode, the fader and rotary should behave for that cue like it behaves normally for channels. The fader should control the level and the rotrary should control the pan of the cue. Flip should work between fader and rotary of the cue in this case

Nik7665 commented 1 month ago

[Page down] / [Page up] clarification. Which parameter is affected with "PreFadr" ? Couldnt identify what is changed in Cubase Which parameter is affected with "Monitor" ?

Generally it's a good idea to toggle through different parameters with [Page Up] and [Page Down] to reach tha faster. In the [Page Down} sequence is a unnecessary free space between "HC-Freq" and "Monitor"

Nik7665 commented 1 month ago

2024-07-29 Issue: [Dyxn/Fx/Aux] has no function. It only gets highlightedt (inverted) when pressed and [Pan] changes from highlighted to normal. When [Pan] is pressed afterwards the buttons appearanve changes back.

Nik7665 commented 1 month ago

2024-07-29 Issue: [Master] has no function. It only changes to highlighted while the button is pressed.

Nik7665 commented 1 month ago

2024-08-02 Issue: Initialization not reliable. In some Cubase projects the initialization seem to be o.k. [Pan] is active, Button is highlighted, [Page up / down] works In other projects the initialization fails. [Pan] is not active, not hightlighted. [Page up / down] not working [Pan] is just one example. The behaviour of other functions is as well not clear