bjones1 / CodeChat

The CodeChat Sphinx extension
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Paths not passed correctly to Sphinx #18

Closed rojalator closed 2 years ago

rojalator commented 2 years ago

(see also issue #17)


/home/xxx/some_project/docs is the directory containing the yaml file and sphinx's is in source/ below that with output to build/ in the docs/ directory. Thus: ` /home/xxx/some_project

--/python_code/ --/docs/ ----/source/ ----/build/ `

Setting source_path to ../python_code and output_path to _chat_build in codechat_config.yaml, with -c set to -csource and running from docs/, CodeChat_server build fails with:

Sphinx error: root file /home/xxx/some_project/python_code/index.rst not found /home/xxx/some_project/docs:: ERROR: unable to compute path relative to /home/xxx/some_project/docs/../python_code. '/home/xxx/some_project/docs' is not in the subpath of '/home/xxx/some_project/docs/../python_code' OR one path is relative and the other is absolute. /home/xxx/some_project/docs:: ERROR: CodeChat renderer - unable to find the HTML output file /home/xxx/some_project/docs/_chat_build. The rendered result is stored in /home/xxx/some_project/docs/_chat_build.

index.rst (and are in docs/source.

bjones1 commented 2 years ago

Answered in #17.