bjones1 / CodeChat_system

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Notepad ++ Extension #22

Closed JoeKenn1118 closed 2 years ago

JoeKenn1118 commented 2 years ago


Support the Notepad++ text editor and provide similar integration as exists for Visual Studio Code.


  1. CodeChat_system, with changes likely confined to the "extensions" subfolder

  2. Generate a Notepad++ plugin .dll file. optimally, have this file included in the npp-plugins project so installation in Notepad++ can be performed via the menu bar

Libraries / Languages / Interfaces

Notepad++ is written in C++. While there is support for creating Notepad++ plugins in several languages, such as Ada, C#, D, and Delphi, C++ is most common and what we will be using.


Notepad++ Integration

  1. Build "Hello World" plugin
  2. Explore more advanced plugins that include split-screen functionality, such as MarkdownViewer
  3. Create a simple split-screen plugin of our own
  4. Create fully-functioning CodeChat plugin.

CodeChat Integration

  1. Connect NotePad++ plugin to thrift
  2. Make html output update every time a new file is opened or the current file is saved.
  3. Make html output display in either browser or in split screen
  4. Create fully-functioning CodeChat plugin


  1. Have the NotePad++ Plugin create a "Hello World" .html file from CodeChat

  2. Have the NotePad++ Plugin create a split screen on start-up

  3. Have Notepad++ build html output files for multiple file types

    • .py
    • .c and .cpp
    • .md
    • .thrift
    • etc.


Scrum 1

Understand what files, libraries, and tools we will need to complete the project

Scrum 2

Create a basic plugin for NotePad++ that can render a file into .html

bjones1 commented 2 years ago

This looks good!