Group 1) For this project, we will modify the existing CodeChat code so that it properly hyperlinks the file and the line. During this process, we will document any relevant information such as an explanation on ‘Regular Expressions’ in addition to any changes that we make.
Group 2) The group before us updated the CodeChat code so that it properly hyperlinks the file and the line. We will be double checking that this works.
Defines which repository/repositories your code will be added to.
Group 1) Our documentation and code will be merged into the branch at CodeChat_system.
Group 2) Will be creating a read me file-hyperlink debugging project to keep track of our research and update this issue with the link to it for the next group.
Specifies what libraries, languages, and interfaces your code must work with.
Group 1) Our code is primarily going to be written in JavaScript. I think that any edits should continue to work on any operating system that is already running CodeChat.
Group 2) Neither of us are familiar with JavaScript. We would have to go through a crash course to learn this code. IF we are able to use C, Python, or HTML would be easier for us.
Details a series of steps you will follow to complete this feature.
Group 1) The first step in this coding project is understanding how hyperlinks are currently handled in CodeChat.
Group 2) Our first step is trying to figure out what the previous group did, where they left off, and what is next.
Defines tests to show the feature works correctly.
Group 1) The exact formatting is to be determined. We will test the error hyperlinking with multiple different types of errors. Another project requirement is that the hyperlink should bring you to the line as well as highlight the line that contains the error.
Group 2) We will be testing what the previous group did by generating common errors.
Outlines goals for scrum 1 and scrum 2.
Scrum 1 goals:
• Know where the project is at work wise
• Created a readme-hyperlink_debugging file
Scrum 2 goals:
• Have a list of items for both coders to work on.
• Have list of issues in the readme file with check marks on what was done so far.
Describes the feature you will add.
Defines which repository/repositories your code will be added to.
Specifies what libraries, languages, and interfaces your code must work with.
Details a series of steps you will follow to complete this feature.
Defines tests to show the feature works correctly.
Outlines goals for scrum 1 and scrum 2.
Scrum 1 goals: • Know where the project is at work wise • Created a readme-hyperlink_debugging file
Scrum 2 goals: • Have a list of items for both coders to work on. • Have list of issues in the readme file with check marks on what was done so far.