bjornaa / ladim1

LADIM - Lagrangian Advection and DIffusion Model
MIT License
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Problems running in Windows 10 due to bash scripts #4

Open mcarvajalino opened 4 years ago

mcarvajalino commented 4 years ago

After the following the traditional installation steps in a system with Windows 10, I got an error where the ladim command was not recognized by the system:

'ladim' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This is a consequence of the ladim script being written with bash, which is not supported by the standard Windows command line interfaces (cmd, powershell). There are a couple workarounds on the internet for this, in my case I installed Git for Windows, modified the environmental variables and ran bash via the "sh" command, but most methods require either the installation of third party programs (Cygwin, git) and/or the direct intervention by the user in the system. This might be a high entry barrier to promote the model, so it might be better to include some library or workaround directly in the setup routines to directly implement shell/bash compatibility for windows users?

PS: Additionally, The shebang at the ladim script template includes a blank space between the path to the anaconda environment and the "python" command, this must be manually corrected in the final installed script to avoid another error in windows...

#! /usr/bin/env python