clearSelectedRegions or selectedCountries doesn't unselect regions.
1) map.selectedCountries({
RU: true,
FR: false
}) => FR won't be unselected, OK to select RU
2) map.clearSelectedRegions() works if regions have been selected by clicking on the map, but not if you are selecting a region with selectedCountries function.
NB: if someone is able to tell me how to use src sources with webpack i can probably fix it.
clearSelectedRegions or selectedCountries doesn't unselect regions.
1) map.selectedCountries({ RU: true, FR: false }) => FR won't be unselected, OK to select RU
2) map.clearSelectedRegions() works if regions have been selected by clicking on the map, but not if you are selecting a region with selectedCountries function.
NB: if someone is able to tell me how to use src sources with webpack i can probably fix it.
Have a good day,