Error in event handler for (unknown): SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'insertRule' on 'CSSStyleSheet': Failed to parse the rule '@-moz-keyframes nodeInserted { from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); } to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }}'.
at addGlobalStyle (chrome-extension://oefddkjnflmjbclpnnoegglmmdfkidip/data/script.js:163:17)
at wireupnodes (chrome-extension://oefddkjnflmjbclpnnoegglmmdfkidip/data/script.js:747:2)
at waitForPosts (chrome-extension://oefddkjnflmjbclpnnoegglmmdfkidip/data/script.js:780:3)
at chromeHandleMessage (chrome-extension://oefddkjnflmjbclpnnoegglmmdfkidip/data/script.js:819:2)
Reproduced it in Chrome v66. I remember seeing this recently so it's not clear what triggers it, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time. Regardless, we don't need vendor prefixes, especially if they're going to cause breakage.
Received this report:
Reproduced it in Chrome v66. I remember seeing this recently so it's not clear what triggers it, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time. Regardless, we don't need vendor prefixes, especially if they're going to cause breakage.