bjornvester / wsdl2java-gradle-plugin

A Gradle plugin for generating Java classes from WSDL files
MIT License
40 stars 14 forks source link

"Skipping task ':wsdl2java' as task onlyIf 'Task is enabled' is false." when using groups #31

Open branislav-ujmiak opened 10 months ago

branislav-ujmiak commented 10 months ago

Hello, first of all thank you for the plugin. It works fine for simple cases, although when I try to use groups(as found in the documentation) to generate different packages and so on, the task keeps getting skipped with message "Skipping task ':wsdl2java' as task onlyIf 'Task is enabled' is false."

RayBa82 commented 6 months ago

Same for me, task is skipped and i don't know why

kromit commented 3 months ago

you have to call a different task called by the name of your group.

wsdl2javaGroup1 or wsdl2javaGroup2 instead of plain wsdl2java