bjoroeKI / Charlson-comorbidity-index-revisited

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Implement in the coder package? #1

Closed eribul closed 3 years ago

eribul commented 3 years ago

Hi there!

I just read your paper, which I liked very much! I have a small R package coder where I have implemented some of the standard codes for CCI and ECI etc. It would be nice to implement your versions there as well :-) Either I'll try to do it some time in the future (of course with proper references to your paper and repo), or if you would like to give it a try, I would be happy to inlude you as an athour of the package!

Package website:

Related issue:

bjoroeKI commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the interest in our work. I will have a look at your package later this week.

eribul commented 3 years ago

som lite av en slump förresten så råkade rOpenSci publicera en blog post om det igår kväll :-)