bk1285 / rpi_wordclock

Software to create a Raspberry Pi based wordclock
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cannot start Matrix_Time plugin #146

Closed webdisaster closed 3 years ago

webdisaster commented 4 years ago


Leider taucht das matrix time plugin nirgends auf. Auch mit den Tasten lässt es sich nicht auswählen. in der config ist es aber aktiviert

bk1285 commented 4 years ago

strange.... wie sieht's mit anderen Plugins aus? Die funktionieren? Gibt es irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen auf der Konsole?

Best, Bernd

webdisaster commented 4 years ago

Hi und Damke für die Hilfe. Die Fehlermeldung beim Start lautet: Failed to import plugin time_matrix!

alle anderen Plugins gehen. fg Bernhard

Sofradex commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I also started to build one; total noob regarding to linux and python. Managed to get most of the plugins loaded; running on rasbian stretch 13-11-2018. When i run the program, the minute-lights seem to work properly, but the lights of the WCA seem to light up randomly (should be dutch), they change every 5 mintes, but there is nog recognisable pattern; could this be reated with the "Failed to import time_matrix"-error?

GPIO interface disabled. If hardware buttons are attached, any input is ignored. Webinterface can be used instead. Wiring configuration WCA_WIDTH: 11 WCA_HEIGHT: 10 Num of LEDs: 114 Wiring layout: bernds_wiring WARNING: Default brightness value not set in config-file: To do so, add a "brightness" between 1..255 to the [wordclock_display]-section. Setting language to dutch. Skipping plugin tetris since it is set to activate=false in the config-file. Imported plugin 0: "leds_off". Imported plugin 1: "restart". Skipping plugin feed_parser since it is set to activate=false in the config-file. Imported plugin 2: "time_as_words_dutch". Imported plugin 3: "sunrise". INFO: No activate-flag set for plugin rainbow within the config-file. Will be imported. Imported plugin 4: "rainbow". INFO: No activate-flag set for plugin time_in_seconds within the config-file. Will be imported. Imported plugin 5: "time_in_seconds". Skipping plugin shutdown since it is set to activate=false in the config-file. Failed to import plugin time_matrix! Imported plugin 6: "ip_address". Skipping plugin time_as_words_german since it is set to activate=false in the config-file. Imported plugin 7: "matrix". No sleeping time set, display will stay bright 24/7. No sleeping time set, display will stay bright 24/7. No sleep brightness set within the config-file. Defaulting to 5. Selected "time_default" as default plugin Imported plugin 8: "time_default". Skipping plugin weather_forecast since it is set to activate=false in the config-file.

FrankX0 commented 3 years ago

I doubt that your issue is related to the failure to load the plugin. IMO it could be related to two things: 1) Incorrect addressing of the LED's Can you make sure the routing of the LED's is per the instructions? So check for mirroring or rotation. Do the minute LED's turn on in the correct order? Top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. 2) Hardware (noise) issue In this case one would expect random LED's to turn on, in random colours. And the minute-LED's would also be affected.

Sofradex commented 3 years ago


  1. My order: bottom-right, top-left, bottom left, top-right. So that’s defentely not good. Should I choose another wiring layout? Or rebuild the minute leds?
  2. Seems ok. All lights are white, no random colours

Thank you for your help!

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Van: Frank Exoomailto:notifications@github.com Verzonden: woensdag 23 september 2020 16:38 Aan: bk1285/rpi_wordclockmailto:rpi_wordclock@noreply.github.com CC: Sofradexmailto:h.leemans@hotmail.com; Commentmailto:comment@noreply.github.com Onderwerp: Re: [bk1285/rpi_wordclock] cannot start Matrix_Time plugin (#146)

I doubt that your issue is related to the failure to load the plugin. IMO it could be related to two things:

  1. Incorrect addressing of the LED's Can you make sure the routing of the LED's is per the instructions? So check for mirroring or rotation. Do the minute LED's turn on in the correct order? Top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.
  2. Hardware (noise) issue In this case one would expect random LED's to turn on, in random colours. And the minute-LED's would also be affected.

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Sofradex commented 3 years ago


Figgured it out allready… My clock measures 10X11 instead of 10X11….

Thanks very much

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Van: Frank Exoomailto:notifications@github.com Verzonden: woensdag 23 september 2020 16:38 Aan: bk1285/rpi_wordclockmailto:rpi_wordclock@noreply.github.com CC: Sofradexmailto:h.leemans@hotmail.com; Commentmailto:comment@noreply.github.com Onderwerp: Re: [bk1285/rpi_wordclock] cannot start Matrix_Time plugin (#146)

I doubt that your issue is related to the failure to load the plugin. IMO it could be related to two things:

  1. Incorrect addressing of the LED's Can you make sure the routing of the LED's is per the instructions? So check for mirroring or rotation. Do the minute LED's turn on in the correct order? Top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.
  2. Hardware (noise) issue In this case one would expect random LED's to turn on, in random colours. And the minute-LED's would also be affected.

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FrankX0 commented 3 years ago

Opgelost dus?

Sofradex commented 3 years ago

Ja, tenminste dat denk ik.

Ga de ledjes helemaal opnieuw leggen. Dat was in ieder geval niet goed. Weet niet of daarmee het “failed to import time_matrix” probleem is opgelost, maar dat zien we dan wel. Heb er goede hoop op.

Groeten, Hein

Verzonden vanuit Mailhttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986 voor Windows 10

Van: Frank Exoomailto:notifications@github.com Verzonden: woensdag 23 september 2020 18:59 Aan: bk1285/rpi_wordclockmailto:rpi_wordclock@noreply.github.com CC: Sofradexmailto:h.leemans@hotmail.com; Commentmailto:comment@noreply.github.com Onderwerp: Re: [bk1285/rpi_wordclock] cannot start Matrix_Time plugin (#146)

Opgelost dus?

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FrankX0 commented 3 years ago

Hoi Hein,

Het “failed to import time_matrix” zal daarmee niet opgelost zijn. Zal wel eens kijken of ik het probleem kan vinden.

Mvg, Frank.

Sofradex commented 3 years ago

Ik heb bij het installeren de installer.sh gebruikt; misschien had ik dat niet moeten doen?

Verzonden vanuit Mailhttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986 voor Windows 10

Van: Frank Exoomailto:notifications@github.com Verzonden: woensdag 23 september 2020 22:35 Aan: bk1285/rpi_wordclockmailto:rpi_wordclock@noreply.github.com CC: Sofradexmailto:h.leemans@hotmail.com; Commentmailto:comment@noreply.github.com Onderwerp: Re: [bk1285/rpi_wordclock] cannot start Matrix_Time plugin (#146)

Hoi Hein,

Het “failed to import time_matrix” zal daarmee niet opgelost zijn. Zal wel eens kijken of ik het probleem kan vinden.

Mvg, Frank.

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FrankX0 commented 3 years ago

@webdisaster @Sofradex I just created a pull request to fix this issue. If needed you can also make this change locally (replacing a TAB with spaces)..

Sofradex commented 3 years ago

Got it all working now, special thanks to Frank!

FrankX0 commented 3 years ago

Good to hear! @bk1285 can you merge pull request #168 so we can close this issue?

bk1285 commented 3 years ago

Nice, @FrankX0!