bk1285 / rpi_wordclock

Software to create a Raspberry Pi based wordclock
GNU General Public License v3.0
214 stars 105 forks source link

Wiring for a 16x16 LED matrix #247

Open kas1kas opened 1 year ago

kas1kas commented 1 year ago

There are a lot of different wiring possibilities to choose from in wiring.py. Only one is really documented, the Bends wiring, Are there drwaings for these alternative wirings?

Has somebody already written a section to make the workdclock run (more or less) centered on a 16 x 16 LED matrix panel?

thanks, Kas

maxce-ok commented 1 year ago

Hi, I programmed a generic 16x16 Display from the shelf based on the logic of this project here for a Raspberry Pi Pico since the big Pi are too expensive and not easy to get.

I am new to this kind of GitHub work but want to share my experience.

I have to modify the original addressing to a WordClock compatible style, see below the addressing conversion for the correct order to work with the first part, an beside that I changed the order of the letters slightly, there is an svg file available for this layout.

region----------------------------16x16 Definition einer eigenen class

class time_german16: """ This class returns a given time as a range of LED-indices. Illuminating these LEDs represents the current time on a german Wordclock range 0,2 liefert auf Adresse 0 und 1 also links oben die LEDs für das Wort "ES", etc. Purist definiert ob "ES IST" angezeigt wird oder nicht Die Grenze für nach liegt bei 24 Minuten also "ZWANZIG NACH" und 4 Punkte für Minuten, danach ist es "FÜNF VOR" get_time liefert eine Liste von zu beleuchtenden LEDs zurück als Prefix + Minuten + Stunden + [58] ?? + "Uhr"


def __init__(self):
    self.prefix = list(range(0, 2)) + list(range(3, 6))
    self.minutes = [[],
                    list(range(27, 31)) + list(range(92, 96)), #FÜNF NACH
                    list(range(34, 38)) + list(range(92, 96)), # ZEHN NACH
                    list(range(72, 79)) + list(range(92, 96)), # VIERTEL NACH
                    list(range(41, 48)) + list(range(92, 96)), # ZWANZIG NACH
                    list(range(27, 31)) + list(range(80, 83)) + list(range(112, 116)), # FÜNF VOR HALB
                    list(range(112, 116)), # HALB
                    list(range(27, 31)) + list(range(92, 96)) + list(range(112, 116)), # FÜNF NACH HALB
                    list(range(41, 48)) + list(range(80, 83)), # ZWANZIG VOR
                    list(range(72, 79)) + list(range(80, 83)), # VIERTEL VOR
                    list(range(34, 38)) + list(range(80, 83)), # ZEHN VOR
                    list(range(27, 31)) + list(range(80, 83))] # FÜNF VOR
    self.hours = [list(range(128, 133)), # ZWÖLF
                  list(range(144, 147)), # EINS
                  list(range(151, 155)), # ZWEI
                  list(range(184, 188)), # DREI
                  list(range(192, 196)), # VIER
                  list(range(139, 143)), # FÜNF
                  list(range(155, 160)), # SECHS
                  list(range(165, 171)), # SIEBEN
                  list(range(179, 183)), # ACHT
                  list(range(118, 122)), # NEUN
                  list(range(160, 164)), # ZEHN
                  list(range(134, 137)), # ELF
                  list(range(128, 133))] # ZWÖLF
    self.full_hour = list(range(221, 224)) # UHR
    self.min_dots = [244, 245, 246, 247] # 1 2 3 4
    self.min_text = list(range(224, 228)) + list(range(249, 255)) # PLUS    MINUTEN

def get_time(self, hour, minute, purist):
    hour2 = hour % 12 + (1 if minute//5 > 4 else 0) # Stunde geteilt durch 12 (% Modulus) --> Rest + 1 wenn Ganzzahl der Minute /5 >4 sonst 0
    minute2 = minute//5
    minute3 = (minute + 5) % ((minute2 + 1) * 5)
    # Zusammenbau
    # purist for "ES IST" prefix, minutes & hours according lists in class time_german
    return  \
        (self.prefix if not purist else []) + \
        self.minutes[int(minute2)] + \
        self.hours[hour2] + \
        ([147] if (hour2 == 1 and minute2 != 0) else []) + \
        (self.full_hour if (minute2 == 0) else []) + \
        (self.min_dots[int(minute3)-1 : int(minute3)] + \
        self.min_text +\
        ([255] if (minute3 >1) else []) if (minute3 != 0) else [])

endregion----------------------------16x16 Definition einer eigenen class

Array 16x16 manuell eingegeben und nicht berechnet

    final_array = array('i', [15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,
return final_array
kas1kas commented 1 year ago

Nice to see. I don´t think this is directly compatible with the wordclock software, but I will study your solution. Maybe I (others) can use it. The final implemetation should also work with displays other than just the time :-)

maxce-ok commented 1 year ago

I wanted to use the full blown software but the Pico doesn't support everything.. so I started from scratch and only used the logic from this project, and in addition this is my first sw project over all :-) I am still fighting with the regulations how to present my solution within GitHub without getting troubles about the rules and regulations.