bk138 / multivnc

MultiVNC is a cross-platform Multicast-enabled VNC viewer based on LibVNCClient. The desktop version runs on Unix, Mac OS X and Windows. There also is an Android version.
GNU General Public License v3.0
447 stars 65 forks source link

Crash on Connect. Older tablet running Android 6.0.1: KatKiss #217

Open pimaster opened 1 year ago

pimaster commented 1 year ago

Is your bug report about the Desktop Multivnc or the Mobile MultiVNC? Mobile (Android):

Which MultiVNC version are you using? 2.1.2

Which server are you connecting to?

Describe the bug When connecting with an Android tablet running an old verion of KatKiss (6.0.1) on an Asus Transformer TF101 (circa 2011), I get a fatal error in the logs. 03-15 12:34:01.324 F/libc (14781): Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1, fault addr 0x4c867e04 in tid 14781 (ntmind.multivnc) 03-15 12:34:01.428 F/DEBUG (111): 03-15 12:34:01.428 F/DEBUG (111): Build fingerprint: 'asus/full_tf101/tf101:6.0.1/MOB31T/timduru04101514:userdebug/test-keys' 03-15 12:34:01.428 F/DEBUG (111): Revision: '0' 03-15 12:34:01.428 F/DEBUG (111): ABI: 'arm' 03-15 12:34:01.428 F/DEBUG (111): pid: 14781, tid: 14781, name: ntmind.multivnc >>> com.coboltforge.dontmind.multivnc <<< 03-15 12:34:01.428 F/DEBUG (111): signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 0x4c867e04 03-15 12:34:01.441 F/DEBUG (111): r0 4c8698d9 r1 4c8697d1 r2 4c869861 r3 4c9be974 03-15 12:34:01.442 F/DEBUG (111): r4 00000000 r5 00156b32 r6 4c867e70 r7 be895ed0 03-15 12:34:01.442 F/DEBUG (111): r8 be895f7c r9 42c3bee0 sl 438ac740 fp 4413ae58 03-15 12:34:01.442 F/DEBUG (111): ip 4c9b7ed8 sp be895ec0 lr 4c8edee9 pc 4c867e04 cpsr 20000030 03-15 12:34:01.457 F/DEBUG (111): 03-15 12:34:01.457 F/DEBUG (111): backtrace: 03-15 12:34:01.458 F/DEBUG (111): #00 pc 00065e04 /data/app/com.coboltforge.dontmind.multivnc-1/lib/arm/libvncconn.so (_libssh2_openssl_crypto_init+51) 03-15 12:34:01.458 F/DEBUG (111): #01 pc 0005ed05 /data/app/com.coboltforge.dontmind.multivnc-1/lib/arm/libvncconn.so (libssh2_init+20) 03-15 12:34:01.458 F/DEBUG (111): #02 pc 0005b471 /data/app/com.coboltforge.dontmind.multivnc-1/lib/arm/libvncconn.so (JNI_OnLoad+44) 03-15 12:34:01.458 F/DEBUG (111): #03 pc 00248bd1 /system/lib/libart.so (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt17LoadNativeLibraryEP7_JNIEnvRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEP8jobjectPS9+1148) 03-15 12:34:01.459 F/DEBUG (111): #04 pc 002b8635 /system/lib/libart.so (_ZN3artL18Runtime_nativeLoadEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP8_jstringP8jobjectS5+180) 03-15 12:34:01.459 F/DEBUG (111): #05 pc 000e3269 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+40) 03-15 12:34:01.459 F/DEBUG (111): #06 pc 000deb71 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+64) 03-15 12:34:01.459 F/DEBUG (111): #07 pc 003d8a51 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+164) 03-15 12:34:01.459 F/DEBUG (111): #08 pc 007fb124 [stack] 03-15 12:34:02.327 F/DEBUG (111): 03-15 12:34:02.327 F/DEBUG (111): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_05

Honestly, this could be a problem that you are only targetting 64bit arm CPUs instead of my rusty old 32bit. I figured that since it is going through a compiled so, but thought I'd point it out. I installed an old 1.8.2 version of MultiVNC and it made a connection fine so there is nothing wrong with the server component. After looking at some release notes I noticed that there had been some big rewrite to do things more natively.

To Reproduce

Expected Behavior Ideally it would connect to a server. Present an error message if something didn't go right (couldn't find host or couldn't find port)

Screenshots Log included since it crashed to home screen.

For the Mobile Version (please complete the following information):

Additional context Understand that my tablet is old, feel free to tell me it can't be supported.

bk138 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that nice report! The builds are for 32bit as well. Are you able to reproduce this with an android 6 emulator?

pimaster commented 1 year ago

I'm not set up for any Android development stuff. I was just persistent enough to get the custom rom on the tablet. Unfortunately this is the only Android device that I have so I can't test anything else either. I'm assuming that getting working status in the 6 emulator would help you work out whether it is worth looking into?

bk138 commented 1 year ago

No problem, I'll try on an emulator once I have a bit more time. Currently busy with job work.

pimaster commented 1 year ago

No rush. After sleeping on it I realised that if it does work on the 6 emulator then there will be something quirky with my setup and I will have wasted your time >.< I'll be interested to hear how it turns out.