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group chat with markdown served over websockets
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Have option to proxy images/cloak referrer #106

Open stevenguyenimpermium opened 10 years ago

stevenguyenimpermium commented 10 years ago

When a user embeds an image to a server that attempts to block requests with http referrer headers, other users will not be able to see it. Also, as a privacy/security concern, it would be nice not to reveal a person's chat website by leaking the referer out to different sites.

Case in point where a website doesn't take kindly to requests with an HTTP Referrer Header field and will send a Redirect to their homepage.

# this will send a redirect
curl -D - --header "Referer: http://chat.com" http://www.impawards.com/1993/posters/look_whos_talking_now.jpg
# this will give you the actual image
curl -D - http://www.impawards.com/1993/posters/look_whos_talking_now.jpg

Possible solutions:

I'm curious if you know any other services like src.sencha.io that provide similar services...