bkad / prat

group chat with markdown served over websockets
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User preferences #78

Closed cespare closed 11 years ago

cespare commented 11 years ago

We should introduce a user preferences pane. A few settings that I've thought of:

cespare commented 11 years ago

Here's what I had in mind for the API:

GET   /api/preferences
POST  /api/preferences   body = { "pref1": "value1", ... }

So the preferences are arbitrary string key/values, and the POST request will change all keys in the JSON post body (typically just one key at a time).

Also, it would be nice to have a user-preference-update event. This doesn't need to have any data; it just tells the client to re-sync the preferences. This will be pretty cool because it will mean that your preferences will instantly change everywhere you're logged in.

bkad commented 11 years ago

this sounds like a job for Meteor!

cespare commented 11 years ago


cespare commented 11 years ago

Another pref: swap behavior of shift-enter and enter.