This fired the assert: BX_ASSERT(size == imageSize, "KTX: Image size mismatch %d (expected %d).", size, imageSize);
(To reproduce with texturev I had to enable assert because it was defined as NOOP in debug msvc project)
pvr3: container surface layout is similar to ktx (mip first then array/cubemap faces)
ktx: imageSize checking is modified to conform to cubemap exception rule.
This fired the assert: BX_ASSERT(size == imageSize, "KTX: Image size mismatch %d (expected %d).", size, imageSize); (To reproduce with texturev I had to enable assert because it was defined as NOOP in debug msvc project)
pvr3: container surface layout is similar to ktx (mip first then array/cubemap faces)
See section 4 in
Here are two files (ktx and a pvr) that reproduce the issue: